tj| xvi: tacenda

413 11 5

[tacenda: (n) things better left unsaid]

i sit on my bed, staring at my wall. there's so many photos. mostly of cyrus. i peel off the polaroid of the two of us sitting at the lake. both of us soaking wet, from pushing each other into the cold lake. it was last spring, when we became better friends. i smile leaning my head back on my pillow, the beatles 'when i'm sixty-four' playing in the background. i do want to grow old with cyrus. and there is the possibility. except life doesn't always go the way you plan. things change, you need to expect the unexpected.

my heart broke for cyrus, and i know he hates people pitying him, but abuse? that's just horrible. he didn't deserve to go through that.

i pick up my phone and answer cyrus' call.

hey teej

"hi, how're you doing? sorry that was an incredibly stupid question..."

it's fine, i'm better i guess, i was just calling if you could help me pack my things? it'd give us a chance to catch up as well. you don't have to say yes.

"muffin, i'll do it."

...great, come to mine

"c'ya soon underdog."

i carefully put the photo back up onto my wall, and pull on my hoodie. i make my way over to cyrus' house, picking up some cardboard boxes on the way.

we spent most of the day packing his room, he was on books and bits 'n' bobs around his room whilst i started on his clothes. after spending a good two hours boxing everything up, we head down to the kitchen and he makes us both a hot chocolate. "you excited to go?" cyrus nods his head, it'll be good to spend time with my mom, and don't worry, i'll still have time for you." he smiles slightly, i want to believe him but as i said before, shit happens. we spend a bit talking before heading up and boxing the rest of his items.

"i should probably get going, i'll see you soon?" cy nods before hugging me.


i lay on my bed, sorting through my music, mxmtoon playing in the background. i let out a sigh and pick up my phone. i wish i had told him how i felt, i wish i hadn't left it too late. i open up twitter, making a new account.

sometimes i wish i could tell people how i'm feeling, maybe then i'd be with the guy i like. but i didn't and now life has thrown crap in the way and i can't tell him. and i'm kicking myself.
(3473 likes, 249 retweets, 771 replies)

i had not expected that to reach this many people. i scroll through the likes, mostly people from jefferson. i then decide to go through comments, i feel for you, just tell him, you'll get there, we hope it works out! i feel slightly relieved, maybe i could tell him?

just as i'm about to lock my phone, a text pops up.

cy <3
hey! did you see the tweet from the anonymous account?

yeah, i can't believe it.

cy <3
i think they should tell the person anyway, i mean things can change, even if the universe isn't with them right now.

but what if the guy rejects him? he'll feel like crap.

cy <3
true but he'll never know if he doesn't try
what makes you think it's about a guy?

i don't, just an... assumption. i got to go my dad wants me.

i lay on my bed and groan, way to go to nearly mess up.

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