(3) My butt is gonna be bruised tomorrow.

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I woke up at 7:32 because of a text from Kyle (My ringtone for him is Perfect Two by Auburn because it perfectly represented our friendship)

Ky: Good morning doll wat r ur plans 4 the day?

Lyn: Nothin much. Why?

Ky: Trying 2 make conversation. Duh!

Lyn: Well going for a walk in the forest and going down with Holly to a really cute cafe that I discovered yesterday

Ky: Cool, cool gimme a call after.

Lyn: Course

Ky: ok luv ya doll xoxo

Lyn: luv ya too bro xx

I got up, had a nice warm shower and got dressed into some dark grey sweatpants and a black Iron Maiden t-shirt. I put some sneakers on and got my mp3 and earphones.

When I was ready I put a note on the fridge saying

Gone for a walk will be back soon


As I walked down into lush green forest I started sing Ghost by Ella Henderson because that's what was playing on my mp3.

I had been walking for about 15 mins when I came across a clearing with a pond off to the side.

Now would be the perfect moment to practice.

I walked over to the pond, raised my hands and OOF!!!

Ow! What the he-

Oh my god there's a wild animal on top of me LICKING MY FACE!!

Ew! Ew! Ew! Gross!!!

Not only that it's a giant wolf.

Oh my god what do I do? They didn't teach us how to deal with this in Cubs. I tried pushing the wolf's breast bone to get it off me.

Oh wow it's a dude. I did not need to see that.

Yay its- sorry he is off me and I can run away. Back to my house where it's safe and filled with stuff.

I ran as fast as I could looking over my shoulder once leaving a very sad looking wolf sulking behind me.

I got back to the house in 5mins flat! It's a record, I've never run that fast. Ever. In my life.

I ran inside not realizing that Holly was sitting in the living room with her nose buried in a book whilst in her pink hello kitty pajamas. She looked up at me with surprise. Well I would look at myself with surprise aswel. Just as she was about to say something I said.

"Before *pant* I explain *pant* I'm going to *pant* take you somewhere *pant* for breakfast"

To be perfectly honest I think she only heard me say "take you somewhere for breakfast" Because she perked up a bit as she ran upstairs two at a time to get changed.

I'm going to get changed into something a little more appropriate for the cafe. I went upstairs and got changed into a white off the shoulder top with my blue bra strap showing, some blue denim shorts and my red converses. I took my previous note off the fridge and replaced it with:

Taken Holly out for breakfast will be back around 10:30


It's 9:13 now so we have lots of time.

"Come on Hollz! HURRY UP!"


She walked down the stairs in a mint green crop top, dark blue skinny jeans and some white floral flats. She looked really grown up for her age.

"You ready?" I asked her


We looked at each other and yelled "FOR NARNIA AND FOR ASLAN!!!!" We laughed.

I got into the drivers seat of the car and Holly got into the passenger seat. I drove down the road I went down yesterday and pulled up outside Sugar&SpiceCoffee and Holly followed behind me.

The doorbell rung and Joyce popped her head out of the kitchen.

"Kaitlyn dear how are you!" She exclaimed

"I'm good Joyce I'm good. This is my sister Holly I told you about"

"Oh my goodness she looks just like you"

(Speaking to Holly now) "Your sister told me you're a very tough critic young lady"

"Yeah I know good food when I taste it" she said proudly.

"Well" as she ran to get what looked like the tart I had yesterday "try this" she said as she past the tart to Holly.

Holly didn't talk as she ate, in fact she kept taking bites until she had finished it.

"That is thee best tart I've ever tasted" she paused "and I've tasted a lot of them".

Joyce smiled.

I left those two to talk and texted Kyle.

Lyn: Hey at the cafe did u wanna talk

Lyn: You there?

Lyn: Helloooooooo?

After a few texts I gave up and drank my banana berry smoothie.

What could he be doing?

Ahh I know what he's doing.

Well I'm not going to disturb him.

I walked back over to Joyce and Holly who were have a debate on whether blue-berry or chocolate muffins were the best. Holly said blue-berry and Joyce said chocolate. In my opinion I think chocolate boysenberry is by far the best but oh well.

I checked the time and saw that it was 10:20 and it would take about ten minutes to get back. So Holly and I thanked Joyce and started going home.


Hey guys the next chapter is going to be about Kaitlyn's first day of school.

The song for this chapter is Perfect Two by Auburn.

Vote, comment and follow.

Farewell fellow animals (and aliens)

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