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I woke up to my sister pretty much yelling

"Katie! Wake up! Katie come on get up you need to get ready for schooooooool!"

I opened my eyes, jumped out of bed and screamed at what I saw...

Holly with paint all over her face as what looked similar to a clown. It was absolutely terrifying. I should probably mention that I'm terrified of clowns. My heart was literally hammering inside my chest as I got over the fright that scared me half to death.

"Oh my god Holly what did you do to your face?!?!"

"I put on scary paint to make you get up"

Little miss evil was laughing her head off at me. Like, she was cry-laughing she thought it was so funny. About 2 minutes later I was tickling her and we were both laughing like maniacs straight from the bottoms of Tartarus.

Once I had shooed her out of my room I went into the bathroom to have a shower with my pomegranate body wash I bought. When I was finished my shower and my business, I started to do my makeup.

I put on some light BB cream with some translucent powder to set it. Then I put on my mascara and lip balm. The lip balm was passion fruit flavored with a pinky tinge and my absolute favourite. When I was completely finished, I walked into my room and decided on black skinny jeans with a dull grey/brown off the shoulder top.

(A/N outfit on the side :] )

I put on my white flats, grabbed my schoolbag that had everything I needed in it, put my iPhone 4s in my pocket and went down stairs.

My mother was in the kitchen making strawberry waffles with Nutella. If you looked at me right now you would probably see me drooling. THEY ARE MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITES!!! My mother greeted me and told me to sit and eat.

When I was half way through my breakfast when my mother said to me

"It's nice that you're making an effort in your appearance."

You see back in Cali I wasn't like other girls. While they were busy at parties, starving themselves, being sleazes wearing next to no clothes and caking their faces with makeup , I was at home watching Harry Potter and TMNT, eating pizza, wearing sweats and t-shirts and no makeup at all. I had no friends with the exception of Kyle of course. I wasn't bullied but I wasn't exactly treated with respect either. It's okay though because I liked it like that.

The thing I was known for really was standing up for people who wouldn't do it for themselves. Back there I was happy with what I had and didn't have. I had what I needed and wanted.

It had always been my mother, Holly and I. My dad had left when I was 10 and Holly had just been born, but he'd never been much of a father. He was -is- an alcoholic and a cheater. He cheated on mum a lot. I had caught him once when my mother was away for the weekend and he was meant to be looking after me but let's be honest that didn't happen. When I caught him he threatened to hit me if I told anyone. He never did though.

It was when Holly had been born that Mum caught him. He left out of anger.

I looked at my mum and smiled, but didn't say anything.

I finished my breakfast, hugged my mom and Holly who had come down from her room a little while ago and started walking to school. Holly started school next week. The walk to school was really peaceful until I actually got to school.

It was so freaking loud! I started walking into the school and saw everyone, and I mean everyone was staring. One girl even stopped in the middle of wiping the crumbs of her chin from the sandwich she was eating. I looked behind me and there was no one there. Great they were all staring at me. This is so cliché. Want to know why?

I'll tell you why. There were your jocks and athletes, your egotistical bad boys, your mathletes, those snotty stuck up cheerleaders that no one messes with but all secretly hate, your goths and emo's and then there were your inbetweens. In this case.


To be perfectly honest I wanted to go hide. I hated being the centre of attention. That's why I never put an effort in my appearance back in California. I wanted to stay out of the way.

As I starting walking into the building a dude (a very attractive dude) with dark brown hair and emerald green eyes walked up to me. He emitted power. Anyway he came up to me and asked what my name (first and last) was. I being polite replied nicely like I was taught to. The thing that surprised me was he started saying

"I Nicholas Reeves-"

I interupted him by saying...

"I'm sorry but are you going to reject me or accept me?"

He looked completely and utterly taken aback.

"How... What... When... You... What?"

I laughed at him at said

"Yes I know about werewolves and judging by the power you're emitting your one of the big three."

He still looked dumbfounded. So I asked him

"Are you the Delta, Beta or Alpha?"


I thought so.

"Hang on did you say your last name name was Reeves?"


"Is your dad John Reeves?"

"No he's my uncle stay away from him. He's bad news."

"Okay that's good I guess, he's an asshat. Now back to my original question. Are you going to reject or accept me?"

I looked down at my toes and prepared myself for the worst.

"I Nicholas Reeves accept you Kaitlyn O'Neal as my mate and Luna"

He stated it proudly when he didn't even know me.

I think I loved him already but I guess that would be the mate bond.

The Alpha Licked My Face?!Where stories live. Discover now