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"it's the end of the world as we know it"

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"it's the end of the world as we know it"


"Three days?" Alison inquired.

"That's what Five said," Luther replied.

I was laying down on the couch in the Hargreeves's living room. They had been chatting about the end of the world, which was approaching quickly.

There was still no sign of Five. The last time any of us saw him was back at the gas station with Hazel and Cha-Cha.

I knew he could take care of himself, but his disappearance still worried me.

Alison walked in front of me. She smiled warmly and handed me a cup filled with coffee.

I smiled back and accepted the drink. "Thanks."

"The old bastard did mention the apocalypse, come to think of it," Klaus added. "He just left out the part about how soon."

I joined the circle of family members. We all sipped our coffees and talked apocalypse.

"Can we trust him? I mean I don't know if you noticed, but Five's a little.." Alison whistled and twirled her fingers around her head.

I scoffed at her accusation.

"Our little psycho," Klaus chuckled. 

"He was pretty convincing. If he wasn't trying to stop an apocalypse, those lunatics wouldn't be chasing him," Luther stated.

"That's why they were after him?" Diego asked.

"They're from the Commission," I announced. "Hazel and Cha-Cha have been hunting him ever since he time traveled back front the future."

"What did Five even see?" Alison queried.

"Uh, apparently, we all fought together against whoever was responsible," Luther answered. He was right except he left out the most important part: they all die.

Everyone waited for him to continue, but he didn't.

"Okay, so, here's the plan." Luther stood up from his seat at the bar and walked to the front of the circle. "We go through dad's research—"

Alison interrupted him, "Wait, what? Hold on, hold on"

Klaus chimed in too. "Wait a tick, wait a tick, wait a tick. What actually happened the first time around?"

Luther stood in front of us awkwardly and looked away.

"Yeah, What are you not tellin' us?" Diego quizzed. "Come on, big boy, spit it out."

Luther looked down uncomfortably. He whispered something under his breath and quickly took a sip of his coffee.

"What was that?" Alison demanded.

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