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"catch up with your past before it catches up with you"

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"catch up with your past before it catches up with you"


After Five left, I wandered back over to Klaus and Diego, and sat down at the table. Luther and Alison also came back from wherever they went.

"Alright, where's Five?" Luther asked looking around.

"He left," I stated.

"Oh for the love of!" Luther shook his head. "Where'd he go?" He questioned.

I shrugged, not 100% sure. "He went to some address, and said he'd be back soon," I replied.

"Well we're not waiting around for him," Luther announced. "The concert starts in 30 minutes."

Diego nodded. "Alright, so what's the plan?" He looked to Luther for an answer.

"Well, I think that.. We go to the Icarus Theatre," Luther answered unsurely.

"That's a location, not a plan," Diego stated with an eye roll.

Luther opened his mouth to speak, but then closed it. It was obvious that he didn't have a plan.

"What? Is that all you got?" Diego accused. He started to become annoyed with Luther.

Diego stepped forward. "Look, you wanna be Number One, fine, but you're gonna have to get us on the same page because right now we're all over the place." He narrowed his eyes at Luther threateningly.

"You're right. We need a plan," Luther repeated.

I crossed my arms and stood up. "Obviously," I exclaimed becoming irritated.

Time was limited. Vanya could initiate the apocalypse at any moment now, and none of us had any idea what we should do.

All of a sudden, everyone in the bowling alley began to panic and run towards the nearest exits.

"What's going on?" I questioned the group, while searching the room.

That's when I noticed the familiar black uniforms, and skull patches of the Horror Order.

One of the men called out to us. "Give us the girl, and no one will die."

The Hargreaves all turned to me with confused faces.

"A9! Surrender, now." The same man demanded again.

I discreetly reached for one of the knives on Diego's belt, and held it behind my back as I slowly began walking to the man, who was shouting orders.

The masked leader nodded and spoke into his earpiece. "Subject A9 has complied, we're bringing her back now."

When he reached for my arm, I whipped out the dagger from behind my back and stabbed his hand. "I'm not going anywhere, asshole!" I shouted angrily.

The man cried out in pain, signaling for backup from the other men. The Order members quickly swarmed the facility and began firing their guns.

The bullets phased through me as I ran back to the others.

"Get down!" Luther bellowed.

Everyone ducked under a table and took cover. I hid with Diego, while Luther, Klaus, and Alison were kneeling under the table next to us.

"Shit," I exclaimed. "How did they find me?"

"Kid, who the hell are these guys?" Diego shouted over the gunshots.

"Maybe they're here for Kenny's birthday!" Klaus chuckled.

"They're here for me," I yelled as I covered my ears, trying to block out the deafening noise of the bullets.

"Why would they be here for you?" Diego questioned loudly.

I shook my head. "Long story! I'll tell you if we survive!"

The Order continued to fire their machines guns in every direction, making it hard to fight back.

Diego jumped up on his feet quickly? and threw a knife into one of the shooter's chest. The man stumbled backwards and knocked into the Super Star's electrical system.

The lights within the building dimmed to a dark blue shade, and colored everything else neon. Then, music started playing over the loud speakers.

While the men were distracted by the sudden change, we prepared to fight back.

Diego handed me two sharp blades. We shared a curt nod before I phased through the table and sprinted towards the closest shooter.

There were two men at the pool table to my left. They aimed their machine guns at me and began firing shots, but the bullets went right through my body.

I climbed onto the pool table, and then jumped on one of the men's back. He tried to shake me off, but I held on tightly. I took one of the daggers Diego had gave me and stabbed him in the neck just below his helmet.

Blood squirted out of the side of him, so I jumped off trying to avoid getting it on myself.

While I fought the other guy, the group began throwing knives, bowling balls, and a cake at the Order members.

The man in front of me didn't bother using his gun. Instead, he tossed it aside and pulled out a knife. He began racing towards me with the weapon, but I dodged it just in time before he slashed my throat.

The man attempted to stab me again, but this time I didn't dodge the sharp blade quick enough. The knife cut deep into my shoulder, and my blood started pouring out.

I gasped in pain, and held my hand over my shoulder to try and slow the bleeding. I looked up at the masked man and narrowed my eyes angrily.

With the blade in my right hand, I ran forward swiftly and phased through him. I kicked his knees in from behind aggressively, causing the man to fall to the ground. Once he was down, I took the knife I was holding and stabbed him in the back. The man let out painful scream as he bled out.

I dashed back to the table the Hargreaves were fighting behind for cover. Once I was hidden from the shooters, I ripped fabric off of the bottom of my shirt. I tied the clothing onto my cut to slow the bleeding.

"They're blocking the exit!" Klaus shouted.

Diego yelled to his brother.
"So, what's the plan now, Luther?"

Alison frantically pointed to the bowling lanes.

Luther realized her idea and shouted over the gunshots. "The lanes! Let's go!" He ordered.

We all got up from our safe spot and ran onto the lanes. I ran as fast as I could without tripping on the slippery floor.

I phased through the end of the wall, and found myself and the others behind the bowling lanes. We were lucky that none of us were shot!

"Come on, let's go!" Diego shouted as he pushed everyone towards the back door of the Super Star.

We all sprinted out into the dark streets, leaving the Horror Order inside the bowling alley. All of us decided that it was time to go to the Icarus Theatre and finally confront Vanya.

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