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part 1

"everything will be okay in the end

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"everything will be okay in the end. if it's not then it's not the end"


Diego, Luther, Klaus, Alison, and I all raced up the steps of the Icarus Theatre.

The sound of beautiful melodies and instruments filled the lobby, signaling that the show had already begun.

We were about to storm into the room, but Alison stepped in front of everyone and held up her notepad.

I need to go alone.

Luther sighed. "Alison, I can't let you do that, alright? She's beyond reasoning."

She furrowed her eyebrows and crossed her arms defiantly.

"You hear the music?" Diego shouted. "It's started!"

"We don't have time for this," I added. The future of millions of lives depended on us stopping Vanya.

Luther ignored Diego and I. "Do you honestly think she's gonna listen?" He asked Alison. "After everything that's happened?"

Alison paused, not completely sure how to answer his question. Part of her knew he was probably right, but she didn't want to believe it.

"We don't have time for this," Klaus complained.

Luther sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Okay," he gave in.

Alison nodded and started to walk into the theatre.

Diego stepped up to Luther. "You're using her as a distraction, aren't you?" He inquired.

"Our best chance to incapacitate Vanya," Luther stated lowly. "She'll thank us later."

We walked up to the doors of the theatre. None of us had any idea what to expect. We were going in completely blind.

"So, what's the plan?" Klaus questioned.

"You wait out front," Luther commanded.

Klaus was shocked that Luther was kicking him out. "What?"

"Yeah, you're the lookout," Luther repeated.

I rolled my eyes. "We shouldn't split up. Klaus should come with us," I defended him.

"I'm Number One, and what I say goes," Luther said without hesitation.

I was really starting to dislike Luther. He just comes off too strong, and I was tired of his tough-guy act. The name 'Number One' doesn't entitle you to be better then everyone else.

Ignoring my previous statement, Luther opened the doors to the theatre and walked in. Diego turned to me and shrugged before following after his brother too. I looked back at Klaus and frowned.

"I'm sorry, Klaus," I said before turning around and following after Diego and Luther.

The three of us hid backstage in the wings beside the orchestra. Diego and I were located on the left, while Luther was across from us on the right.

I peeked my head out and saw Alison standing in the audience. She smiled proudly at her sister, who was playing the violin in the center of the stage.

I watched Vanya intently. She looked like a completely different person since the last time I saw her. Her eyes shined a piercing white, and her overall presence was eery. She wasn't that kind, ordinary woman I used to know anymore.

Luther glanced at Diego and I, and gave us a curt nod. That was the signal.

The three of us ran across the stage in an attempt to get to Vanya, but before we could reach her she stood up and sent a violent wave of light blue energy at us.

I screamed as I was sent spinning through the air along with the other two men.

Shrieks sounded from the audience, and everyone pushed and shoved their way through others to get to the exit.

My body slammed onto the ground harshly. I groaned as I pushed myself off the floor. Dizziness immediately clouded my vision, and my head pounded from the impact.

The members of the orchestra tried to leave the stage, but Vanya sent another wave of energy at them and they instantly sat down again.

Diego, Luther, Alison, and I were forced to take cover behind a row of seats.

"She's stronger than expected," Diego exclaimed.

"Yeah," Luther agreed.

Alison threw something at Luther to get his attention. He huffed and looked over at her. She was glaring at him, probably because he didn't let her deal with Vanya alone.

In Luther's defense though, there was no way Alison could've took on Vanya, especially by herself. Vanya almost killed her last time! Now that Alison can't speak she's basically powerless.

"Yeah, we're fine, thanks for asking," Luther said sarcastically.

Alison was still had the same angry expression on her face.

"Look, I almost lost you once, alright? I wasn't about to lose you again," Luther justified.

Diego cut into their little moment. "Well, so much for the element of surprise," he sighed. "What else you got?"

Alison banged her hand on the seat in front of her to get our attention. She moved her hands as if she was playing the violin.

Diego scoffed. "No shit, Alison. Tell us something we don't already know."

"No, she's talking about the violin!" I clarified.

Alison nodded in approval.

"It's her lightning rod," Luther added. "If we can take it from her and stop her from playing, we might have a shot!"

"Yeah, but how are we supposed to get to her if she keeps knocking us off our feet?" I shouted over the music playing.

Luther took a minute to think. "Can't you just run through her or something?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Her energy is too strong. If I get too close, I won't be able to phase."

"Guys, we got company!" Diego yelled and pointed towards the entrance.

The Horror Order had found us once again, but this time they brought more men, which meant more weapons.

They blocked any possible exit, leaving us completely stranded and helpless.

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