Chapter 5

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Minerva seemed to be a very good motherly figure to Juvia and a very devoted wife to Hector. She cared for her people and appeared to be a great queen. However sometimes Minerva would disappear into a secret room where no one was allowed to enter except her. When she came out she was always in a very good mood. One evening little Juvia was feeling extra curious so she decided to spy on her stepmother through the key hole of the door to her secret room.

Inside the room there were mirrors hanging everywhere on the wall and Minerva was dancing around in the middle of the room, gazing at her reflection in each mirror. She then approached one mirror in particular that looked older than all the others. In fact it looked as old as time itself and Juvia didn't know why but she had a bad feeling about that mirror.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall." Minerva spoke. "Who is the fairest of them all?"

And much to Juvia's shock the mirror replied.

"Thou, Queen art the fairest in all the land."

Minerva then smiled and laughed like a happy child. Juvia didn't know her stepmother was so vain. She remembered how her nursemaid had always told her that while it was important to look your best you must never be vain. Still that seemed to be the only flaw Minerva had so Juvia ignored it but she would soon discover that she had many other flaws as well. It all started when King Hector began getting called to do business in other kingdoms.

"Must you leave again?" Juvia asked Hector as he prepared his horse.

"I'm sorry Juvia, you know I hate leaving you and I would gladly stay but as a king I must do what is best for my people. A true ruler always puts their kingdom and their people before themselves. Never forget that Juvia because one day you will be queen."

"Yes Father. But every time you leave I am so very lonely."

"Minerva will look after and play with you. Won't you my dear?"

"Of course." Minerva smiling. "You needn't worry about us, we'll be fine."

After giving Minerva a kiss and Juvia a hug goodbye, King Hector rode away on his horse.

"I will miss him so." Juvia sighed.

"He'll be back in just a few short months. You'll see." Minerva assured her. "Now why don't you go play in the garden? The roses are in bloom."

"Really? Oh wonderful!"

Juvia excitedly ran downstairs and out the door leading to the royal gardens. From her window, Minerva watched her smell the pink roses, pick apples from the trees, feed the birds, and chase butterflies. Also watching her were some of the castle maids.

"What a pretty child." One of them said.

"And she'll be even more beautiful by the time she's ready to wed." Another said.

"Only seven years old and she already has Queen Dianne's beauty and sweetness."

"King Hector must be so proud."

"Do you suppose that someday she could be more beautiful than the queen?"

"Hush! You mustn't say such things! You know how sensitive the queen is about her appearance."

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