Chapter 37

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Mirajane gazed at the burning candle in the cave while also looking at a miniature portrait of herself as an eleven year old girl with her parents and her younger siblings. It had been eight years since that horrible day when she murdered her parents and left her brother and sister. She didn't want to leave them all alone like that but she couldn't risk doing to them what she had done to her mother and father. Not to mention she was sure that her brother Elfman and her sister Lisanna would never forgive her for the vile, evil act she had committed.

"Happy 25th Anniversary Mother, Father." She said blowing out the candle. "I don't know if you can hear me but again I pray that you can forgive me for what I did."

She had been keeping track of both her parent's anniversaries and the birthdays of her brother and sister. She knew how old they were and every year she would light a candle, make a wish, and pray for forgiveness.

"So it's their anniversary today huh?" Laxus had come in and sat beside her.

"Yes twenty five years to be exact." She said. "Twenty five years ago they met today at the lover's festival in the village. They were both always so happy on this day."

"Last week was your sister's birthday wasn't it?"

"Yeah she's sixteen now."

"You really miss them don't you?"

"More than anyone will ever know."

"You know you could see them. You're in control now."

"It's too risky and besides I doubt that either of them could bear the sight of me."

"It wasn't your fault you know."

"Yes it was."

"No it wasn't. Listen you, Jellal, and everyone else shouldn't blame yourselves for what you did. You had no control. There was nothing you could do."

"Look who's talking. You still blame yourself for what you did to that village."

"Because it was my fault."

"Laxus you couldn't control yourself anymore than the rest of us could."

"Yeah but when I was transformed that first time I didn't react like you or the others did Mira."

"What do you mean?"

"You all were ashamed and horrified of what you were the minute you found out but me I...I was proud of what I was. I thought it was a gift, I thought it made me better than anyone else in my village and I gave in to the curse. You, Jellal, Kagura, and Loke only killed like one or two people and that's because you resisted the wolf but I gave in and because of that I took down an entire village. It wasn't until I tried to kill my grandfather that I finally realized that I was a monster. Maybe if I had fought it like you all did I wouldn't have killed so many people."

"Laxus it doesn't matter how you acted then what matters is that you feel remorse for it and that you're trying to change. You haven't seen your grandfather since the incident have you?"

"No and even though he's a priest I'm sure he can't forgive me."

"Where there's love there's always forgiveness." Kagura said walking in. "That's what my brother Simon always said. I'm sure if your grandfather and your brother and sister love you as much as you love them they'll forgive you. But at least you two and Jellal have someone to go back to if we ever break this curse. Loke and I don't have anybody."

"Where is Loke anyway?" Mirajane asked.

"I thought he was on patrol with Jellal." Laxus said.

"He told me that he was going to scout around the village." Kagura said.

"The Magnolia village?" Mirajane asked.


"Oh no not again!"

"Tell me he didn't." Laxus facepalmed.

"What?" Kagura asked.

"That hound dog is going scouting alright but it's for women! Damn it! Every year that idiot tries to sneak into the village during the festival to flirt." Laxus groaned. "Why didn't you stop him?!"

"I didn't know today was the lover's festival. We don't typically attend so I don't really keep track of it." Kagura defended.

"You know how much of a womanizer he is! And how reckless he is! We all keep track of the date so we can stop him if he tries to sneak off! What are you stupid?!"

"Don't insult me! It was a mistake!"

"A mistake that could get us in a whole lot of trouble! Can't you use that brain of yours?!"

"At least I have a brain you slobbering mutt!"

"What did you just call me?!"

"Do you need me to repeat myself? Or are you as deaf as you are stupid?"

Laxus snarled, Kagura growled, the two transformed and started fighting each other leading to Mirajane transforming and breaking up the fight.

"That's enough!" She said when she changed back. "We don't have time for this! We need to find Loke now!"

"She's right because if he transforms in the village we're screwed big time." Laxus said.

"I'll go tell Jellal to keep an eye out for him then I'll meet up with you later." Kagura said.

With that said the three of them split up with Kagura going to warn Jellal while Laxus and Mirajane headed for the village. Meanwhile back at Minerva's castle the mirror had informed her that Levy had been freed which prompted her to take extreme measures. She didn't want to resort to this but she didn't see any other way. When no one was watching she entered her secret passage way that led to her own private dudgeon where her most dangerous weapon was kept.

Down the long stairway she went with her cheeks burning hot with rage and her eyes green with envy. If this method didn't work then she was sure that she would burst in anger though it had never failed her before. When she finally reached her dudgeon she went to the cell that held her only prisoner.

"Hello my Darling have you missed me?" She asked the creature hiding in the shadows. The creature only gave her a subtle growl. "I know, I know, you want me to let you out and I will if you do something for me."

From her sleeve she pulled a torn piece of fabric from one of Natsu's jackets and a torn piece of clothing from one of Lucy's aprons. She held both of them out for the creature to sniff and become familiar with the scent.

"Track down these two, kill the woman but bring me the man and bring him to me alive. Understand? And if anyone gets in your way kill them."

She then released the beast and sent him out to track down his targets. No one knew of this monster except her, the mirror, and the victims she had set it upon. It was a large, fast, strong, and slippery beast that had the eyes of a cat and the ears and nose of a bloodhound. It was a thousand times more dangerous than any wolf of the cursed race and what made it so dangerous was not just it's heightened senses, speed, agility, and strength but also that it obeyed Minerva's every command and never once defyed her. Where did this creature came from? No one knows. No one except for Minerva and her mirror. Was it some rare and dangerous new species that she had captured? Did she create it with her witchcraft? Was it another abomination that the mirror made? Or was it something much more?

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