A Message to Readers

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For as long as I can remember I have always loved fairy tales. My father would read them to me and my sister when we were younger and my mother would buy VHS tapes of Disney movies based off of those fairy tales. I loved the Disney adaptions but as I got older I started to look into the origins of the tales and found that they were not as sweet as I remember them however I still enjoyed them. My personal favorites being Cinderella, Snow White, a Little Red Ridding Hood, Beauty and the Beast, and Rapunzel.

I chose to use Cinderella, Snow White, and Little Red Ridding Hood for this because I could empathize with the main characters in the stories. Now I didn't have an evil stepmother or wicked stepsisters or a wolf stalking me but like the main characters I was around people who would constantly try to put me down and hurt me, take advantage of me, and make me feel like I wasn't anything special and I never knew why they did it. My mother always said it was because of jealousy but I don't know what they were jealous of. I wasn't really pretty or popular or exciting. In fact I think the only thing special about me was my brain.

Stories like Cinderella and Snow White taught me to be patient and to have hope especially when things are at it's worst and that the best way to look beautiful is to be kind, selfless, and hard working. Stories like Little Red Ridding Hood taught me to be wary of certain people and to understand how important it is to listen to my parents and grandparents because they love me and only want the best for me.

They also taught me that there is a different kind of strength that a woman can use without having to fight like a man. It's the strength of faith and love, and for some women like myself that's all the strength they need.

I'm nineteen and I still love fairy tales to this day and if I ever have children I hope to one day be able to tell them these stories and help them understand the lessons they teach. And why I chose to weave my retellings into Fairy Tail? Well it's because it's called Fairy Tail. Take away the I in tail and add an E and you get Fairy Tale. For me it was a no brainier. Anyway I'm glad you read this fic and I hope you enjoyed it.

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