Chapter 33

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As the days went by Gray found himself enjoying his time with Juvia and Wendy. Wendy was such a cheerful and sweet kid who was a lot like the little sister he never had and he would never admit it or act like it but he liked spending time with Juvia most of all. She was so kind, caring, and thoughtful and she was always concerned for others, even when she was mad at them. He just couldn't understand how someone could be so kind and good.

"Gray!" She called to him one morning when he was digging holes for planting seeds in Wendy's garden. "Oh Gray I have something for you."

"Let me guess more buns? I told you I don't eat bread that much."

"Oh no it's something much more useful. It's something you can use when the storm clears up and we can leave."

She handed him a little box with ribbon tied around it. He untied the ribbon, opened the box, and found a grey scarf inside.

"Do you like it? I knitted it myself."

"What's this for?"

"Well you always seem so cold when you go outside so I thought that I would make you something to keep you warm."

"That's sweet but you didn't really have to."

"Of course I have to. I always make gifts for my friends."


"Yes. I sewed a new shirt by hand for Gajeel, knitted gloves for Elfman, knitted a hat for Romeo, and embroidered a muff for Wendy. It wouldn't be fair if I didn't make you anything."

"We're friends?"

"Of course. You didn't think we were?"

"Well I mean...I....I haven't exactly been nice to you."

"True you can be a grouch most of the time but there have been times when you've been very sweet."


"Well you saved my life twice, once from that man who tried to violate me in the village and a second time from drowning, then you helped me get that thorn out of my finger, and most of all you made me laugh harder than I ever had in a long time. I know you try to be cold and mean but deep down I think you're one of the sweetest, kindest men I have ever met."

Then she took him completely by surprise by hugging him. Gray felt his heart skip a beat again and get a warm feeling. After releasing him she went to back inside to help Wendy with cooking dinner. Gray looked down at the scarf she had given him. No one, no one had ever given him a gift before. At least not in the last ten years. He remembered the last present he had ever gotten. It was his eighth birthday and his parents had been saving up all their extra money to get him a present that year.

You see Gray had been born into a family living in poverty. They lived in a dirty old shack that had holes in the roof, no fire place, and only one bed. He and his mother always slept in the bed while his father slept on the floor, of course his mother always protested that she and her husband should swap off every night but Gray's father didn't believe in making a lady sleep on the cold hard floor especially when she was his wife.

His father named Silver worked as a woodcutter and his mother named Mika worked as a washer woman, they both worked so very hard but no matter how hard they worked it never seemed to be enough. They didn't even have enough money to send Gray to school so his mother had to teach him how to read, write, and do arithmetic. When Gray was six he insisted that he be allowed to help his father chop wood and sell it in the village. He remembered how his mother was all in a panic because she thought that Gray was too young and that he might accidentally chop off his arm or leg but he actually learned how to chop wood real well for his age.

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