Chapter 58

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For a whole month the people of Fiore planned the double wedding of Prince Natsu and Lady Lucy and Sir Gray and Princess Juvia. The fairies were in charge of making the wedding dresses while the dwarves were assigned to mine for diamonds beautiful enough to be used for the rings.

Finally the big day arrived. All the church-bells were ringing, and the heralds rode through the streets, and proclaimed the approaching nuptials. Perfumed oil was burning in costly silver lamps on all the altars. The priests were swinging their censers, while the brides eagerly awaited for the wedding march to begin.

"Can you believe this is actually happening?" Lucy asked Juvia.

"No I can't." She said. "My heart fluttering, I feel like this is all a dream and in a few seconds I'm going to wake up in my bed."

"Me too."

Juvia smiled then noticed a tear sliding down Lucy's cheek.

"Hey what's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just wish that my parents were here."

"I know what you mean, I would give anything for my mother to be here." She said gripping the pendent of her locket.

"It's so strange. I never wanted to get married and yet here I am. About to walk down the isle to marry the prince of Alvarez. It's just so crazy...Crazy and wonderful."

"For me today is the happiest day in my entire life. I have my father back and I'm marrying the man I love."

"Yeah. Today's the happiest day of my life too and I couldn't think of a better friend to share it with."

The two held each other's hands comfortingly and supportively. They had come so far from those two sad little girls who had been suffering abuse. At last they would find happiness.

At the alter stood their bridegrooms who were looking especially handsome. Natsu was wearing a royal red suit with a velvet robe and on his head was his father's crown which had previously be worn by his brother but would now been worn by him. Gray's attire wasn't as extravagant but it was well suited for the occasion. He wore a blue jacket with white pants and black boots.

At last the wedding march started. Erza was the maid of honor for both brides so she went down the isle first leading the other two bridesmaids Evergreen and Lisanna with her. Then came Romeo the ring bearer followed by little Asuka the flower girl.

Last but certainly not least came the brides. Lucy wore a really elegant looking gown made from spun gold with a hoop underskirt and supplied by gold and cream colored lacing. The gown was complicated by a velvet cream colored robe which was being carried by Levy. On her head was a majestic crown studded with five jewels. It was the crown that had belonged to Natsu's mother, the former queen of Alvarez and it was tradition that the future queen wear it on her wedding day.

Juvia's gown was made from the petals of white roses. Hand beaded and embroidered silk, laced up on the sides. The softest and prettiest lace in all the world was used to make the gown and it had little handmade two toned silk roses gently placed in the crevices. The veil she wore was ethereal silk and chiffon veil adorned with pearl strands and pearl drops. The gown possesed a train of lace which was carried by Wendy.

The entire kingdom was taken aback. There never were two more beautiful brides. They took their places at the alter by the two men they were going to marry. The brides and bridegrooms joined their hands, said their vows, and received the bishop's blessing. Once they were pronounced husband and wife, Natsu and Gray kissed their brides and all who witnessed it cheered happily.

A marvelous feast was then held followed by festive music and everyone dancing cheerfully. Both couples received wonderful wedding gifts and had a fantastic time celebrating their marriage. At the end of the ceremony Natsu and Lucy departed on a ship to Alvarez with Zeref to begin their new lives together while Gray and Juvia left for their honeymoon at the Summer palace in a carriage. Before leaving both brides tossed their bouquets, Levy caught Lucy's and Erza caught Juvia's. It wouldn't be long before Gajeel and Jellal found themselves becoming married men.

They lived peacefully in the Magnolia village with no more fear of wolves or persecution from the villagers. Titania was thrilled have her granddaughter home and safe and she came to accept Jellal as her grandson in law. Gajeel and Levy moved in a lovely house together and were finally living the life they had always dreamed of living.

Time passed, Zeref eventually died of his illness and Natsu took his place as king with Lucy as his queen. Juvia succeeded her father and became queen of Fiore with Gray as her king. Now there were many who objected to the idea of a maid being queen and a huntsman being king but their objections were overruled. Both couples were wonderful rulers of their kingdoms, both were wise, fair, kind, and generous. The royal couples found each other falling more and more in love and that great love soon lead to children. Lucy bore a son while Juvia gave birth to a daughter and one day those two children would unite the kingdoms of Alvarez and Fiore but that is another story for another time.

So ends our story. A tale that combines three tales which have been well known throughout the years. Probably not what you were expecting and I know it differs greatly from the stories you've heard but it pretty much had everything that is needed to tell a good story. I hope you found this fairy tale just as enjoyable as all the other ones you've read before this. Now how do you end a story like this again? What's that phrase? I forget sometimes. Let me think, it's on the tip of my tongue. Oh yes now I remember and I'm sure you all know this phrase very well.

And they all lived...

Happily Ever After.

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