Chapter 44

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The last thing Gray remembered was going to the local tavern to drink a couple rounds of rum the next thing he knew something hit him hard on the back of his head and everything went black. When he woke up he found himself in a dudgeon cell and his wrists were in shackles. It was so dark where he was, there were no windows and no sunlight coming in, the only light in this area was the light that came from the torches on the walls. He stood up on his feet and tried to break free from his chains.

"Don't waist your strength those chains are enchanted to hold you until I say otherwise." A scratchy voice said.

Suddenly a bony hand with fingers long and sharp enough to be talons lunged through the cell bars and sized Gray by his throat bringing him to where he was face to face with a hideous old hag.

"Ugh! Who the hell are you?!" He asked startled by her awful appearance.

"I guess you wouldn't recognize me now huntsman but I used to be quite a looker!"


"Yes it's me you idiot! Look at what you've done to me!"

"If you ask me it's an improvement. Now you look as ugly on the outside as you do on the inside."

Despite looking as old as dirt, she was strong enough to slam him back into the dudgeon wall.

"Oh man! That's going to leave a bruise!"

"How could you do this to me?!" She screeched.

"You wanted to eat an innocent girl's heart! That's sick and inhumane! No one in their right mind would do that!"

"You've stolen my beauty from me! Now I have nothing!"

"Well you could always pride yourself on something less fleeting than physical beauty."

That earned him a slap across the face.

"What I don't understand is why? I offered you gold, enough riches to set you for life and if that wasn't enough, now you're going to be forced to relive the same torture you went through as a child all because you refused to kill that little brat! You knew the penalty for if you failed and yet you still wouldn't do it! So why? Why would you give up gold and suffer through never ending torture for just one insignificant girl?"

"Torture me all you want you hag! But I'll die before I ever do anything to hurt Juvia!"

Minerva nashed her crooked teeth in anger and frustration. Then a thought entered her mind. After about five minutes of silent thinking she sized Gray by his face and started examining it carefully. Then she released him with a smug look forming on her face.

"How did I not see it sooner? I should've pick it up the minute I saw all the signs. The softness in your eyes whenever you saw her, the blush that rises to your cheeks whenever her name is mentioned, it was so obvious that I can't believe it took me this long to notice it."

"Notice what? What the hell are you talking about?"

"Your expression says it all. You're in love with her."

Gray went silent as a shocked expression crossed his face. Was it true? Had he actually fallen in love with Juvia? No. No it wasn't possible. He had never fallen in love with anyone before. After he lost his parents he swore to himself that he would never love again.

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