Chapter 19

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The next day the dwarfs got ready to go to work at the mines like they normally did. They were a little unsure about leaving Juvia alone with Gray but she was able to convince them that she would be alright on her own.

"You sure you don't want one of us to stay here with you?" Elfman asked.

"I'll be alright you three worry too much." Juvia said.

"And you don't worry enough."

"We just don't want anything to happen to you." Romeo said.

"Nothing is going to happen to me. Now hurry up and eat your breakfast. The porridge is getting cold."

She had made them porridge with raspberries for breakfast which they ate however Gray didn't eat a bite of his meal.

"Aren't you hungry?" Juvia asked him.

"No I'm not."

"Alright but when you do get hungry let me know and I'll make something."

Gray only rolled his eyes and looked at Gajeel, Elfman, and Romeo.

"So you guys are dwarfs right?" He asked.

"Yes." Romeo said.

"Aren't you supposed to be short little men?"

"We're not short!" Gajeel shouted. "It's a stereotype! And if you ever call me short again I'll rip your arms off!"

"Take it easy Gajeel." Elfman said restraining him from attacking Gray who was trying to get as far away from the angry dwarf as possible.

Juvia couldn't help but giggle a little. Sometimes she thought it was kind of funny when Gajeel got angry. Once he calmed down he, Elfman, and Romeo left for work. Juvia began her usual morning chores which included washing the dishes, dusting the windows, and sweeping the floors. She tried to get Gray to eat something but he refused. Around noon she decided to go out and gather berries, nuts, and herbs to use when cooking meals. She was also hoping to find an apple tree because she wanted to make an apple pie as a special treat for the dwarfs.

"I'm going into the forest to gather some things." Juvia told Gray.


"You sure you don't want anything to eat or drink?"

"I'm fine."

"Alright call if you need anything."

And she went outside taking a basket with her. Shortly after she left a raven flew into the cottage window and started pecking on his head.

"Hey! Ow! Cut it out! What the hell?!"

"I thought you said you would kill her!" The Raven screeched in a voice that sounded like Minerva.

"What the- You can talk? What the hell are you?!"

"It's me Gray! Queen Minerva! This Raven is my spy and form of communication. He serves as both my eyes and my mouth and I would like to know why Juvia is still alive?!"

"There was a complication. I hurt my ankle while on the job and now I can't walk."

"Really? This wouldn't be some ploy to delay you from doing your job would it?"

"Look at me! I'm banged up! I'm not backing out I just got hurt! Once I gain the ability to walk again I'll finish the job!"

"You better! Because the last person I assigned to do away with her double crossed me and he'll suffer dearly for it. But it'll be nothing compared to the fate that will befall you if you do same thing! Don't fail me! I'll be watching you!"

The raven then flew off somewhere to perch so it could spy on Gray. Gray wondered why Minerva wanted Juvia dead so badly. She seemed like a very harmless, kind, and sweet young woman. But he figured that everyone had their own reasons for something and normally when someone paid him for a job he didn't question their motives. Until now. He didn't know why but for some reason he wanted to wait a little awhile before killing Juvia for two reasons. One because of his foot and two because he wanted to observe the young maiden and figure out why Minerva wanted him to kill her then bring back her heart.

As for Minerva she decided that it was time to punish Rogue for defying her. She had a very special punishment in store for him.

"You wished to see me your majesty?" Rogue said when he arrived at her chambers after she summoned him.

"You traitor!" She snapped. "How dare you! How dare you! You betrayed me!"

"Your majesty what are you talking about?"

"Don't play innocent with me! I know what you did! I know that you spared Juvia's life!"

Horror and fear struck Rogue in his soul as the realization hit him.

"I told you to kill her! I told you to feed her to the wolves! But you let the brat escape! You disobeyed me! And you deceived me! You miserable, lying, loathsome, underhanded, scum of a boot licker!"

"I'm sorry your majesty but I couldn't do it! How could I? She was so young and innocent! She's never hurt anyone in her entire life and she would never want to! How could you expect me to do such a thing?"

"Well it's clear where your loyalties lie Rogue! But no one double crosses me and gets away with it!"

"Your majesty please I beg you! Have mercy!"

"Mercy? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that phrase!"

Rogue quickly started running for his life only for Minerva to stretch out her arm and point her finger. In an instant poor Rogue was turned to stone.

"That takes care of him. Now for my dinner with the prince."

She had prepared a drink for him which she slipped the love potion into. Once Natsu drank it he would think that he was in love with her.

"Where is the prince?" Minerva called. "Sting I told you to bring him to the dinning hall."

"I'm sorry your majesty but I've looked everywhere. He's gone." Sting said.


"He's no where in the castle. He's vanished."

"I see. Well don't just stand there! Get out of my face and find him!"

"Yes your majesty."

Minerva then returned to her chambers and summoned her raven. She telepathically told him to find Prince Natsu. The raven left the cottage and went flying in search of Natsu. Soon it located him, looking through the Raven's eyes Minerva saw where he was but when she saw that he was with Lucy she started boil over with rage and envy.

"I thought I told that wretch to stay away from my prince! Just what is he doing with her?!" She was seething. "That prince is my chance to get richer than I've ever been in my entire life and my pesky little niece thinks that she can just swoop in and steal him from me? Well don't hold your breath sweetie!"

"Send the trolls my queen." The mirror said. "Command them to find her and devour her."

"Excellent idea."

Minerva then opened her spell book of dark magic and witchcraft. She flipped through the pages until she found one that had a spell written on it that would place every troll in the forest under her control.

"Evil trolls this very day." She spoke. "Your queen commands you to obey. Search for a maid with hair of spun gold, rip out her heart, eat her flesh, and tear her apart."

At once all the trolls in the forest felt an increasing and unstoppable hunger for Lucy and began searching for her. And these horrid creatures would not rest until they found her and ate her.

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