Chapter 30

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It had begun to snow the next day so Gray went out into the forest to gather firewood. He had been out there for about an hour when Juvia came to find him.

"I think you have enough wood now so maybe you should come back inside before you catch a cold."

Though her words kind and considerate, she spoke them in a voice that was filled with a gloomy sadness. Ever since that day when he had said those cruel words about her father she hardly ever spoke to him and when she did it was in that gloomy, sad like voice which lucky for his sake the dwarfs didn't pick up on however he was beside himself with frustration, confusion, and above all guilt. Unbearable guilt over the hurtful words he had spoken toward her.

He had considered apologizing several times but then he would question why he wanted to apologise? Why did he care if he had hurt her feelings or not? He had never cared about other people's feelings before so why was this time different?

"Do you hate me?" Juvia asked him.


"I said do you hate me?"

"Why are you asking me that?"

"Because from the moment I've met you you've spoken to me like all I do is irritate you, you said the most awful things to me the other day, and you haven't apologized so I can't help but think that you must hate me."

"Don't take it personally Princess, I hate everybody."

"Even if you don't know them? Even when they've done nothing to you?"

"Yeah so what's your point?"

"That doesn't make any sense. I mean if you live life like that how are you going to make friends or get close to anyone?"

"Did it ever occur to you that maybe I don't want to get close to anyone? That I'm better off alone?"

"But no one's better off alone."

"I am. I don't make friends, I don't get close, I live alone and I avoid people when I can."

"Then why haven't you left yet?"


"Your foot is all better now so if you prefer to be alone then why haven't you left yet?"

It didn't occur to Gray til now but she was right. His foot was as good as new, he could stand, walk, jump, and run without feeling any pain so why was he still here? And more importantly why hadn't he killed her yet? As he thought about it more he convinced himself that it was because she was the daughter of a king and that if he killed her and word got out he would be executed or worse.

"I'm going back home." She said.

She headed toward the cottage while watching the snow fall. Snow really was a beautiful thing, she understood why her mother had adored it so much for it was so pure, delicate, and fair. She remembered how she used to play in the snow with the children of Fiore, take sleigh rides with her father, and ice skate on frozen lakes.

She was so caught up in her happy winter memories that she didn't notice the nearby patch of ice on the ground and when she stepped on it she slipped and went tumbling down a hill, sliding off the edge of a cliff. Luckily she managed to cling to a tree root that was sticking out of the ground. At the bottom of the cliff was an ice cold and raging river, if Juvia were to fall it would be the end of her.

"Help!" She screamed holding on to the root for dear life. "Someone please help me!"

She felt her fingers slipping. Gray had heard her screaming and followed her tracks to the cliff.

"Gray please help me! I don't think I can hold on any longer!" She cried.

"Give me your hand!" He bent over and reached out to her, she let go of the root with one hand and used it to reach up toward him. It was a great struggle but their hands managed to grab each other. "I got you! Don't worry I won't let you go I promise!"

"Oh hurry! Please hurry!"

He started to pull her up but then he slipped on the ice and it sent both of them falling off the cliff. Acting on instinct, Gray pulled Juvia to his chest and shielded her the best he could. Then splash! They landed right in the freezing river. The water was so cold that it felt like a thousand knives stabbing their bodies and it was so unbearable that they both lost consciousness. By a miracle they didn't sink or drown instead they floated toward land where they were found and saved. 

It wasn't until morning that Juvia woke up and when she did she became aware of two things. One that she was warm and two she was laying on top of a quilt while another covered her. She sat up, opened her eyes, and the first thing she saw was quite unusual. An apple tree. An apple tree growing in this weather? How odd. As her vision adjusted she became more aware of where she was. She was in an incredible garden that was bathed in warm sunlight and thriving with plants. There was the apple tree, a pear tree, a cherry tree, strawberry bushes, blackberry patches, and all sorts of wild flowers. Roses, lillies, violets, daffodils, irises, honeysuckles, carnations, daisies, and many other beautiful flowers. Birds, rabbits, and squirrels were running about instead of hibernating or migrating. It was the most beautiful and extravagant garden she had ever seen. A thousand times better than the royal gardens back at the castle. She thought that surely she must be dreaming because it appeared to be Summer where she was. 

"Oh my head." Looking to her side she saw that Gray was lying next to her and starting to wake up. He too became amazed when he saw where they were. "Are we dead?"

"I don't think so." 

"Then I must've lost my mind because I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to be seeing this. Hang on are you seeing the same things I'm seeing?"


"Okay then I'm not going crazy but if we're not dead and I still have my sanity then why is it Summer time right now? Good Lord how long were we out?"

"Half a day." A voice said. They looked over at a table which had three chairs and was set with a table cloth, a vase of flowers, a few dishes, and a tea set. Sitting in one of the three chairs was a little girl with her midnight blue hair tied in pigtails and wearing a yellow sun dress with a white sash. "Glad to see you two are finally awake, would you like some tea? I just finished making it."

"Who are you and where are we?" Juvia asked.

"I'm Wendy and this is my garden. Isn't it pretty?"

"How did we get here?" Gray asked.

"Oh I found you two washed up from the river yesterday and you were both so cold and wet so I brought you to my garden to warm you up."

"How could a little girl like you carry both of us?"

"Well technically I didn't carry you two here, I made you two float over here."


"Oh right you two don't know what I am yet do you? I'm a fairy."

"Correct me if I'm wrong but don't fairies have wings?"

"Yes but I haven't earned mine yet but I will someday. Anyway I figured when you two woke up you might be in need of some refreshments so I've prepared some nice hot tea and I've laid out a bowl of strawberries and a plate of tea cakes. Help yourself."

Gray and Juvia still had some questions for her but they were hungry and thirsty so they decided to have a little snack before continuing with their questions.

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