Chapter 20

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"I'm starving!" Natsu complained.

"Then eat something." Lucy suggested.

"I did but there's more food."

"You ate a loaf of bread, a wheel of cheese, and two apples in just one hour and you're still hungry? Goodness who would have thought that the prince of Alvarez would be such a hopeless glutton."

"Hey a man's gotta eat."

"But there is such a thing as too much food. Anyway I'm afraid if you want to eat something you'll have to eat roots and berries because that's all there is to eat in a forest."

"Not true I know of a pub somewhere. We can stop and eat there."

"A pub? Aren't those things filled with drunks and bandits?"

"Not all just a few. Don't worry I'll protect you if someone starts to look at you funny."

"No way! I'm not going in a pub! I'm not risking my neck!"

"Believe me Lucy there are a lot more dangerous things in this forest other than drunks and bandits."

"Like what?"

"Well take trolls for example. Have you ever seen one?"

"No not really. I don't even know what they actually look like."

"Well let me put it to you this way. They're fat, smelly, stupid, and probably the ugliest things you have ever seen."

"Uh Natsu."

"They got fat heads, thick skulls, they pretty much look like a shaved ape."

"Na-Na-Natsu." Lucy stammered while pointing.

"I mean you can't even imagine how ugly those guys look and...And one of them is standing right behind me isn't it?"

Lucy nodded and Natsu turned around to see several trolls licking their chops while gazing at them with eyes of hunger.

"Uh...Hello gentlemen. I...I...I apologise for the rude words I just spoke. I...I didn't mean it honest."

"Looks like it's dinner time boys." The head troll said. "How'd you liked to be eaten? Baked? Boiled?"

"How-How about free range? Ha, ha." Lucy giggled nervously.

"Listen you don't wanna eat us. We're just skin and bones." Natsu said.

"The one with the pink hair is real plump, I say we eat the scrawny blonde as an appetizer and make the fat one the main course."

"Scrawny?!" Lucy said offended.

"Fat?!" Natsu shouted insulted. "Hey listen buddy I'll have you know that I'm not fat! I have muscle not flab!"

"Tie em up!"

Natsu and Lucy tried to fight back but the trolls had them out numbered so they managed to over power them and tie them both up to a nearby tree. Soon they started heating up a giant stew pot.

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