Chapter 42

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Gray didn't stop running until he was sure that he had run so far that Juvia wouldn't be able to follow him. He had lost her which meant that she was safe. Now came his next problem, how was he going to trick Minerva into believing that he had killed Juvia? He wandered around the forest trying desperately to think of a plan when suddenly he heard the sound of snorting. He spotted a wild pig digging it's nose into the ground, searching for truffles. A mischievous gleam appeared in his eye as he thought of an idea.

"My, my, my." He thought to himself. "What a surprise that her majesty will be dinning on the heart of a pig for breakfast."

He then shot the pig with an arrow, cut out it's heart, and placed it in the box Minerva gave him. He then returned to the castle where he went to meet Queen Minerva in her bedchamber. He was sweaty and his torso was blood stained from cutting out his prey's heart.

"Judging by your apparel am I to understand that Juvia is dead?"

He handed her the box. She opened it and grinned viciously at the heart inside.

"Excellent. You shall be rewarded handsomely."

"I already told you that I don't want your damn reward anymore!"

"As you wish. So tell me did she suffer? Did she scream? Did she beg for her pathetic life?"

"No she didn't. All she did was pray."

"She prayed?"

"Yes. She prayed that her friends, her people, and her father be blessed and that you and I be forgiven for taking her life."

Minerva stiffened for a moment.

"She prayed that I be forgiven?"


"So she kept up that innocent little girl facade up until the end did she?"

"What the hell is wrong with you? She puts others before herself and forgives you for having her killed and you still hate her?"

"It's all an act. That compassionate and forgiving nature of hers is all fake."

"It didn't look fake to me. You know not that I think it'll change anything but she never had any ill feelings toward you. All she ever wanted from you was a mother's love but I guess you're incapable of giving that."

"Silence! You've done your part now get out of my sight before I change my mind about torturing you!"

Gray gave her a death glare then quietly left her chambers. Alone at last, Minerva once again opened the box and looked at the heart inside. Though delighted with what Gray had brought her she couldn't help but picture Juvia praying that God forgive her for ordering her demise.

"That brat doesn't really care for me! She's never really seen me as her mother! She can't be that good! She can't be! No one can be that good!"

She strated grabbing things off of her vanity and started throwing them around the room, shattering and breaking some of them to pieces. After doing this for fifteen minutes she stopped and regained control of herself.

"I must remain calm." She told herself. "I must keep my head."

Once she had calmed herself down she slipped away into her private dudgeon where her newest prisoner was held. Prince Natsu stood in a jail cell with his wrists and ankles bound in shackles.

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