Chapter 52

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Lucy and her friends had taken Natsu back to the cottage where they tied him to a chair and tried to break the spell that Minerva had cast over him.

"For the last time I don't know you people! Will you let me go already?! I have to get married!" Natsu demanded.

"Natsu you're under a spell." Erza said. "You don't love Minerva."

"Yes I do."

"No you don't! Levy can you help me out here?"

"Well there are various ways to break a spell." Levy said. "Sometimes water helps."

With that said they started throwing water in his face. When that failed they took him to Makarov who tried to use different medicines and herbs to break the spell but that didn't work. They tried everything. They made loud noises in his air, threw fairy dust on him, they even hit him in the face a couple of times.

"Snap out of it man!" Laxus said before punching him in the face.

"Um...Do you really think this will break the spell." Lucy said.

"I don't know but this kind of fun for me."

"Okay it's obvious we're getting no where with this so does anybody have any other bright ideas?" Erza asked.

"Maybe leeches would work." Loke said. "It did wonders for me when I had rabies."

"Leeches?!" Natsu shouted.

"We're not putting leeches on him." Lucy said. "Now we have to think of a better way to help him otherwise he'll-"

"Lucy! Erza! Levy! Come quick!" They heard Wendy shout.

"What is it?" Erza asked.

"It's Gray and Gajeel! They're back! And Juvia's with them!"

"What?!" Everyone said in disbelief.

"Yes! She's alive! Come see!"

Everyone ran out of the cottage to where Wendy was and they were shocked and amazed to find that the young fairy was telling the truth. There was Juvia alive and well riding horseback with Gray. The snow white maiden smiled and waved to her friends. The group which consisted of her friends immediately ran toward the horse to greet her, showering her with embraces of relief.

"Oh Juvia is it you? Really you?" Lucy asked as the two friends hugged.

"Yes it's me." Juvia assured her.

"But how?" Erza asked. "You were dead. At least we thought you were."

"I honestly don't know."

"True love's kiss." Levy realized.

"What?" Juvia said.

"The black magic used to poison you should have kept you in a death like state forever. There was nothing in this world that could have been strong enough to revive you. Nothing except a kiss from a man who loved you with his whole heart and soul." Levy explained.

"A kiss from a man saved me?"

"A kiss from a man who loved you." Makarov corrected. "True love is the most powerful magic in the world. There is nothing stronger than pure unselfish love."

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