Chapter 21

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Juvia didn't have much luck finding any apples however she did find a briar patch full of black berries. After filling her basket up with as many as she could carry she started to make her way home but was startled by the sound of a twig snapping. She froze and looked around to see if anyone was there. No one seemed to be around except the birds so she figured that it was just her imagination so she tried to head home again only to hear footsteps.

"Is somebody there?"

There was no answer and the footsteps seemed to be getting closer. Getting scared she picked up a real hard and thick tree branch that had fallen on to the ground and positioned it for attack mode. She then quietly and carefully crept to where the source of the footsteps was coming from. It was coming from behind a big tree and when the source came around she let out a scream only to hear another scream and find herself face to face with a woman in a red shawl holding a loaded crossbow.

"Oh thank God you're just a maiden." The woman in the red shawl said when they both stopped screaming. "I thought you were a wolf."

"I thought that you were a bandit." Juvia said dropping the branch in her hand.

"Sorry about the whole sneaking around with the crossbow it's just that I didn't think people ever came around this part of the forest."

"It's alright. If you don't mind me asking what are you doing sneaking around with a crossbow?"

"Well I thought that there was a wolf living around this area and I had come to kill it."

"You're mistaken wolves never come around here or at least that's what I was told."

"Hmmm....I've never seen you before. Who are you?"

"My name is Juvia and you are?"

"Erza. Do you live in the Magnolia village?"

"No. I live in a cottage just up the way from here with my friends. To be honest I've never even been to the Magnolia village."

"Then how do you get food?"

"Well we fish and my friends hunt and I gather nuts, berries, herbs, and roots. We have fresh water and everything else we need."

"What about dairy or bread?"

"I'm afraid the forest doesn't provide those things."

"Why don't you go to the village and buy some of the things you can't find in the forest? Like milk or bread or eggs?"

"Oh I would but I don't know where the village is and I have no money."

"Come with me."

"Where are we going?"

"To the Magnolia village to buy you some stuff."

"But I don't have any money."

"I'll pay for it."

"Oh no I could never ask you to do that."

"Well then don't. I'll just do it to you as a favor."

"Alright but only if you allow me repay you for it one day."

"It's a deal."

Erza and Juvia went to the Magnolia village where Erza bought her some milk, bread, butter, flour, sugar, honey, and eggs. Juvia protested once or twice to Erza that milk and bread would be enough but Erza was a giving person who was always ready to help someone in need. After buying them all the two young women decided to stop, eat some lunch, and talk. Erza told her about her grandmother and her friend Jellal and her determination to find the alpha. Juvia couldn't help but be fascinated by how exciting Erza's life was.

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