7. C - Seven :

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Hahaha.. I know all of you are so curious about the last chapter. Now here I go, I will write it now to lessen your curiosity ㅋㅋ Sorry.


What's with them? I never thought that they will do this to me. I mean, I know that I am really thankful to them, since it wasn't easy to enter in that entertainment. HugeHit isn't one of the big3 or well-known or even highest grossing entertainment company, but they can be one of that since BTS is not only conquering the Asia, but around the world.

Didn't you find it so suspicious? I mean, look.. I did an interaction-- a bad interaction actually, with BTS manager on the day of their concert. Now he was so kind to me? I mean, yeah.. he pushed me away on the day that I am pleading to enter inside the HugeHit, but later on, he was so kind to me. Gosh! I don't have a good feelings in this. Ah! I know now, maybe because we are infront of the CEO? Yeah! That's it, we are infront of Bang-pd that time, so he was so kind to me.

But... aigoo, that but didn't left my mind. But what are really their plan? Why did they hired me as a personal assistant?


"Personal Assistant?" Yuna shriek. "As in P.A?"

Only Yuna with Mr. Kim and Mr. Bang left inside the CEO office, since BTS need to go back to their dorm to fix something.

"But that's not part of my course." Yuna said.

"We know." Manager Kim said. "But it will help you to make a good article."

"I can do that even though I am in a production team." Yuna isn't bragging herself, but as a personal assistant? It was very different topic now.

"We are doing this to you, not because we didn't trust you. We are doing this to you because we are entrusting the boys to you." Bang-pd said.

"What? Why?" All Yuna can do is to ask. She was really shock, and she didn't get what they mean.

"I can't handle them all alone. I need someone to accompany me while taking care of them." Manager Kim said.

"I know that an artist like them doesn't have one manager, I know that they have more than one." Yuna said.

"Yeah! But, we still need you as plus one." Manager Kim said.

"But sir--"

"We will take it as a yes." Bang-pd said.

'Huh? Are they deciding for me?' Yuna thought.

"Don't worry, we will give you an allowance. It was for your monthly needs." Bang-pd said.

"Besides, after this.. maybe you can be part of the production team." Manager Kim said.

'So, they are testing me now? I thought my article is enough for me to be part of the production team.'

"Thank you so much Yuna, we really know that you can discipline our boys. I know that you can protect them." Bang-pd said.

--end of flashback--

What now? I am not only a personal assistant, but also a protector? Aigoo, what am I doing right now? But, they're really a help for me.. they accept me even though I am not qualified in their standards.

Aish! I hate my life right now-- no, not my life, but this project. If I can just make an article without interviewing the artist, then I will make it. RIGHT NOW.

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