18. C - Eighteen :

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"Here, I bought you a bag." Yuna said while unpacking her things. She's already in Seoul since yesterday, together with the boys.

Since BTS are in a rest day, Yuna also take this chance to rest and spend her time with her bestfriend, Umji.

"Wow! Thank you." Umji said as she received the prada bag from Yuna. "This is really original. Gosh! I bet it was so expensive." She added, checking the bag, repeatedly. "How much is it?"

"Why, you will pay it?" Yuna sarcastically said.

"I am just asking." Umji pouted. "By the way.." Umji sat on Yuna's bed, hugging the bag that her friend gave to her. "Did you already decided to leave them?"

Yuna stops unpacking her things, she sighed then smiled at her friend who's looking at her curiously.

"Yeah!" Yuna simply answered.

"How about Jungkook?"

Yuna stops again then look at Umji with a frown, 'What about Jungkook?' She doesn't know why her friend suddenly asked about him.

"What's with him?" Yuna asked.

"I thought something--"

"No. We are just friends-- I mean, I am just a manager, and he is part of my responsibilities as their manager. So don't ask about him." Yuna said.

"I can see in your eyes that you are sad." Umji said without any fear showed in her face. She knows Yuna so well, if she said it is final, then no one can change that. That's why before, if Yuna already decided then Umji can't do anything but to respect her decision, since she is afraid that it'll caused their fight.

But today, right now; Umji bravely speak out what's on her mind. She's not curious about what is happening to her bestfriend, but she is worried that maybe her friend looks fine, but inside, she's not.

"Ofcourse I am sad. I'll never see them again. No, I will see them but I will never stood near them." Yuna said. "But, my future is more important. I am doing this because I am a graduating student, I need to focus in my studies and for my future career."

"Yuna-yah! I don't want to push you to speak up about what you feel. But, always remember that I am here, I will listen to you 24/7." Umji said smiling.

"Uhm, I can't really understand what's your point.. but, thank you!" Yuna smiled.







And the d-day finally comes. The day where everything will be back to normal, and time to say goodbye.

"Yah! Guys, wake up. It's already 7:12 am, and you have schedule today at 11:00 am. Yah! Palli, irreona." Yuna shouted, waking up the sleepy head princes'. She looked at their innocent sleepy face; Yuna can't believe that time really passes by, and today is her last day handling these seven boys. One thing that she'll assure; she'll gonna miss them.

Starting from being hard working, to their amazing bond, she's really sure that it will took more than 3 days before she'll move on from the days she spend with BTS.

Yuna smiled bitterly. "Thank you, and goodbye." She whisper.

Didn't she know, the boys already awake before she entered inside the dorm. They are aware that Yuna is the one who will fetch them since it's her last day doing her responsibilities for them. They could feel that Yuna also feel sad leaving them already.

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