༻ 17, The Ambassador bridge ༺

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The Riverside Park... A place with a beautiful panorama, the night city on the other side of the river, Windsor, which belonged to Canada. It was so weird to think about that only the Ambassador Bridge was between us and the other country. Though, the bridge separated us, it was also a link between Canada and the United States... For a few moments I thought about my friends, Scarlet and Cassie. I could always count on them... Because of their work, both of them spent most of their time in Canada, Cassie in Montreal and Scarlet in Toronto. I missed them so much and I knew that they missed me as well, but neither distance nor time could hurt our friendship... As I returned from my deep thoughts I decided to read the magazine in my hand that was in the back seat of my uncle's car, right next to me.

"The mysterious Mister Kamski - What happened to the Man of the Century? In 2028, Elijah Kamski was our Man of the Century. His creations have transformed our world. Androids didn't just revolutionize the economy, they changed the way we live, restructured our family life and altered the balance of society forever, whether for good or bad. Shortly after, Kamski had disappeared. Ousted as CEO of CyberLife and living in obscurity outside the media glare, the Man of the Century has left the very world that he recreated. Kamski's story begins in 2018, when commercial property in Detroit was cheap and attracting many start-ups. The college graduate bet what little he had on developing an android prototype and spent years to no avail until hitting on two breakthroughs: Blue blood and biocomponents. After unveiling his first working model, which publically passed face-to-face Turning tests and stunned the world, plans were laid for mass production and CyberLife rapidly became the most valuable stock in the world. Yet at the peak of CyberLife's powers - when the company was approaching a $500bn valuation - rumors emerged that Kamski disagreed with his shareholders over strategy. He later departed under mysterious circumstances. Today, sources claim Kamski is living in a luxurious villa by the water, somewhere on the outskirts of his beloved Detroit, refusing all visitors and spending his time exclusively with androids. And the most interesting question remains unanswered: What's in the mind of the mysterious Mr Kamski?"

"Tch... I'm also curious about the answer." I said to myself in a whisper.

"Is something wrong, Rose?" Connor looked at me from the passenger seat.

"What? Oh, no... Nothing... I was just thinking out loud." I replied, then glanced at my phone screen. 01:19... By that time I already wanted to be in my soft bed. Instead, Connor and I were sitting in the car, waiting for the lieutenant who has been sitting on of the cold benches for at least an hour. I've been thinking about calling a taxi, but I didn't want to leave my uncle alone. After that, Connor suddenly got out of the car, then headed straight to Hank, but seconds later I followed him. Meanwhile, I couldn't take my eyes off the Ambassador Bridge and the beautiful lights of the city on the other side of the river. Although, the air was cold and chilly, I didn't really care about it, since the sleepiness disappeared from my eyes. Hank was sitting on the top of the bench with a bottle of beer in his hand. He was lost in his thoughts. I had a guess about what might be in his mind, so I didn't say anything at all... Connor stopped right next to my uncle and from there he was admiring the amazing view of Windsor, but I walked closer to the railing and stopped a few meters away from them.

"Nice view, huh?..." finally Hank's voice broke the silence. "I used to come here a lot before..."

"Before what?" the android asked back.


"You said I used to come here a lot before. Before what?"

"Before... Before nothin'..." my uncle replied, then lifted the bottle to his mouth. I knew exactly the answer to Connor's question... It was true that we used to come here a lot. Sometimes we enjoyed the warm rays of the setting sun and sometimes we admired the shining lights of the night city. We've come here almost every weekend, before... Before...

I was just a machine, but it wasn't really me... (Connor x OC) D: BHWhere stories live. Discover now