༻ 68, A little miracle ༺

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The two weeks passed very soon. It was four o'clock in the afternoon when I parked the Ranger not so far from the Henry Ford Hospital. As soon as we crossed the threshold of the building and entered the huge hall we went straight to the reception desk where we were greeted by a young woman.

"Welcome to Henry Ford Hospital!" she said with a smile. "What can I do for you?"

"Hello! I have an appointment for an ultrasound examination."

"Name, please?"

"Rosalie Anderson."

"Thank you!" the woman said as she turned back to her computer, then everything went silent for a few seconds. Meanwhile, I was admiring the hall of the hospital which was decorated with beautiful paintings and blooming bushes. It was was so peaceful and friendly, but it wasn't surprising, since the Henry Ford Hospital was the best hospital of Michigan. "The gynecology is on the 6th floor. Corridor B, door 8."

"Thank you!" Rose replied and with that we left the hall. A few moments later we were already standing in the elevator and after a short waiting we reached the 6th floor. "I was born in this hospital twenty-six years ago." Rose whispered with a smile as soon as we sat down in the waiting room. "And our baby also will born here..." she added, then I glanced at the middle-aged couple who were sitting in front of us. It was obvious that the woman was already in the last trimester. She was smiling cheerfully at her husband, then finally she looked at us.

"The first one?"

"Yes..." Rose answered as her smile grew even wider, resting her hand on her belly. "And what about you?"

"The second and the third. Twins..."

"Congratulations!" I said honestly, but then the door of the room B8 opened.

"Mrs Crowford?" the nurse called the woman, then the married couple followed her, leaving Rose and I alone in the waiting room. Until that moment I was relatively patient and calm, but at that moment I became nervous. Of course, in the good way... Soon I noticed that not I was the only one who is nervous. Rose's level of stress was 49%, so I placed my hand on her hand, hoping to calm her down.

"Calm down, Rose! Everything will be fine."

"I know. I'm just... I'm looking forward to see our baby." she said as her smile returned, then finally the door of the room B8 opened again. The middle-aged couple said goodbye to us, left the corridor, then the nurse glanced at us.

"Miss Anderson?"

"Yes. That's me."

"Please, come in!" she said in a kind voice, then we did as she asked. The examination room was different than I expected. Much more beautiful, much more friendly. The walls were lilac colored, decorated with tiny floral pattern, while the white curtains were full of glittering butterflies. "First of all, we will run a quick blood test." the nurse informed us as soon as she collected the necessary informations, then Rose took a seat on one of the chairs. "Give me your arm, please!" we waited patiently, while the nurse draw blood, then finally she led us to another corner of the room to do the ultrasound test. Rose carefully laid down on the operation table as the nurse made the necessary preparations, then she glanced back at my fiancée. "The first one?"

"Yes." she answered with a smile and finally the nurse placed the transducer probe on her belly. At first, everything was dark and blurry, but then I saw the little one on the monitor. My heart was pounding insanely as I was looking at the baby's tiny hands and legs. At that moment I already knew that this is not just a sweet dream. This is the reality... 'I'm going to be a father...'

I was just a machine, but it wasn't really me... (Connor x OC) D: BHWhere stories live. Discover now