༻ 70, Celebration ༺

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Soon the 28th day of May has arrived. We were only three moonlit nights away from the dawn of our wedding. I was waiting impatiently for the new chapter in our life to begin. On the sunny morning I was in the kitchen, making some delicious sandwiches, since that afternoon was our baby shower.

"Hey, Rose!" Lia broke the silence as she was decorating the cupcakes. "What do you think?"

"Awww, your cupcakes are so cute. Especially the purple one with the white sugar stars."

"My favorite is this one." she pointed to a red velvet muffin which was decorated with a strawberry, then Connor also joined us in the kitchen.

"Do you need any help, girls?"

"No, but thanks! We're almost done." I replied with a smile. "What about the decoration?"

"It's ready."

"Great! Let me see!" Lia cried out, then hurried to the living room to check her brother's creativity. For a few seconds everything went silent, but finally Lia spoke up. "I have to admit, you've done an excellent job!"

"Thanks, sis! Would you like to compile the music list?"


"No rock, no heavy metal! Only melodic songs... Got it?"

"Don't worry! As my brother said, I always accomplish my mission~"

"Very funny..." Connor said with a chuckle, then his sister started searching on her phone. I totally trusted her musical taste, so I didn't worry. About an hour later the first guests has arrived and a few minutes later all of the invited people were in the huge living room. There were about twenty-five people in the house. Most of them were our family members and our best friends. The party was perfect.

"Hey, Rose, Connor!" Chris greeted us with a huge smile, but he was not alone. He was with his wife, Elena, and their nine months old son, Damian. 'Oh, God... When I last saw Damian he was only two months old...'

"Hello! We're happy that you are here!"

"There is no way I miss my favorite colleagues' baby shower."

"How are you, Elena? I haven't seen you in months."

"I'm fine, Rose. I spend most of my free time with Damian, but it's worth every minute." she added as the little boy touched my favorite raven black lacy dress. "Here you go! This is for your baby."

"Thank you so much!" Connor answered politely as Elena handed me a gift bag. It was decorated with tiny colorful bows on each side. Of course, I instantly checked what is in the bag.


"See? I told you that they will love it."

"This is so cute." I admitted honestly as I was admiring the silver grey baby bodysuit, 'Future Police Lieutenant' written on it. I loved it. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome~"

"By the way, have you already tried the strawberry cupcakes?"

"Not yet, but I intend to do so, so... See you later!" Chris remarked with a laugh, then gently grabbed Elena's hand and they approached the dining table to taste the delicious dessert. Needless to say, the Miller family was a huge fan of the cupcakes. We were about to join them at the dining table when we heard a familiar voice coming behind us.

I was just a machine, but it wasn't really me... (Connor x OC) D: BHWhere stories live. Discover now