༻ 42, The dawn of peace ༺

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The sun was already high up on the sky when I opened my eyes with a huge smile on my face. Moment later I was still thinking about what happened last night. 'Whether androids really won the revolution or it was just a dream?'... Then finally I remembered everything.

"Good morning, my love!" Connor greeted me in a whisper as he pulled me closer.

"Good morning to you too!" I replied before I yawned. "What time is it?"

"Ten forty-eight. The sky is partly cloudy, -2°C, 79% humidity and there's a high possibility of afternoon snowing." he informed me. "What would you like for breakfast?"

"Just a mug of cappuccino. I'm not really hungry." I answered sincerely. Minutes later we climbed out of the bed and went downstairs. "Fortunately, my phone is waterproof, so probably it still work. I have to call my mother."

"Alright. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." Connor said, then he left me alone with our playful dogs in the living room.

"Hello, sweetheart!" my mother greeted me in a happy voice. "I've been already waiting for your call. Are you and Connor okay? I was so worried about you yesterday, but when I saw you I imme-"

"WHAT?!" I cut her off. "Saw us? Where?"

"Turn on the TV~" she replied, almost singing.

"Which channel?"

"Whichever~" and with that I did as she asked. I instantly saw the recordings of the Channel 16 made from the helicopter last night. "The whole world saw that my daughter and her lover are kissing in the snowfall~~~"

"Mom! That helicopter was at least one hundred meters away from us! No one would recognize us on this recording." I protested as I was switching between the channels.

"Are you sure?" my mother asked back with a tiny chuckle at the end. "Turn the volume up..." she advised. 'Eh?'

"...this footage of a human and an android kissing has moved the whole world. According to our unconfirmed sources, the woman on the footage is the detective of the Detroit Police Department, Rosalie Anderson who was lea-"

"SERIOUSLY?! Aaaah, I don't want to be a celebrity who is being chased by journalists and reporters..." I said with a dramatic tone, the let out a deep sigh. "Ah, nevermind... But now I have to go. I want to call Hank."

"Alright, sweetheart. Take care of yourself! I love you!"

"I love you too, Mom!" and with that I ended the call and called my uncle. "Hey, Hank!"

"Hey, kid! You two pretty fuckin' impressed me, I hope you know that..." he joked at the other end of the line. "WHERE IS THAT FUCKIN' POT?!"


"Yeah! I'm just about to start cooking and I ca-"

"Cook... Do you even know how to cook?" I asked back, however there was no sarcasm in my voice.

"I can only cook spaghetti... By the way, I have no choice, because almost everything is closed. The hospitals, the schools, the stores..."

"Do you need help?"


"Oooookay, then see you later, Hank!" I stated, then once I ended the call I glanced at the fire in the fireplace. 'He'll set his kitchen on fire... He'll set his house on fire... He'll set whole Detroit on fire!' Within an hour we arrived to my uncle's house and fortunately the kitchen wasn't on fire. Well, not yet.. "I'll help Hank in the kitchen, until then you can stay here with the dogs." I said with a smile, then planted a tiny kiss on Connor's lips.

I was just a machine, but it wasn't really me... (Connor x OC) D: BHWhere stories live. Discover now