༻ 27, Like a family ༺

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On the next morning the joyful singing of the jays woke me up, but when I opened my eyes I realized that I'm alone in the bedroom. I was sure that Connor was in the kitchen and this was proven by the delicious scents that were in the air. I glanced at the hologram clock on the nightstand. 09:21... The time has come to start the day. Leaving the bed, I headed straight to the bathroom. I put my hair up to a messy bun, took a hot shower, then finally got dressed into my black leggings, my white plush slippers and my warm dark brown plush hoodie. After that, I swallowed a painkiller, then headed for the guest room to check Victoria. As I thought, she was still sleeping, so I didn't bother her. As soon as I closed the door I was about to go downstairs, but then suddenly my phone buzzed in my left pocket.

FlowerPower (Scarlet D., Cassie M., Rosalie A.)

C: Good morning, sunshines! A quick question! When will the pillow fight be?

R: Pillow fight? What pillow fight?

C: It would be time for us to have a girly evening, wouldn't it? I have a lot of free time between November 1st and November 15th.

S: November 6th, 7th and 8th will be my day off.

C: Rose?

R: What about November 7th and 8th? I have no time next week, because currently I have a child... : P

C: What child? How did you get a child?!

S: ?

R: It's a quite long story... Oh, and Cassie... If you are still in Alaska, could you get me a box of the famous Alaskan blackberry tea?

C: Rarity, but I'll check.

R: Thanks in advance!

C: You're welcome!

S: I'm sorry girls, but my pager is beeping, so I have to go.

R: All right. See ya in a week!

C: Okay. Bye! <3

S: Xoxo <3 : *

As soon as we finished the conversation I slipped my phone into my pocket, then finally I went downstairs to the kitchen.

"Good morning, Connor!" I greeted him with a smile as he put back the orange juice into the fridge.

"Good morning, Rose!" he replied, then I stepped closer to the kitchen counter to help him prepare the breakfast. I was chopping up some fresh tomatoes on the cutting board when Connor wrapped his arms around me, then pressed his soft lips against my neck. "How did you sleep?"

"Great! Except that I woke up alone..." I responded in a joking tone, then put the sliced tomatoes on edge of the plate.

"I didn't want to wake you up... But I wanted the breakfast to be ready before you wake up." he explained as I turned around to look into his chocolate brown eyes, but before this could have happened he made my morning more beautiful with a kiss. "But tomorrow I'm gonna stay in bed until you wish. What do you say?" he asked me with an honest smile.

"Tomorrow is Monday, so you already have to be in the office early in the morning..." I reminded him, then put the two glasses of orange juice on the dining table.

I was just a machine, but it wasn't really me... (Connor x OC) D: BHWhere stories live. Discover now