༻ 71, Two hearts beat as one ༺

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Finally, our big day has finally arrived... The last day of May... The beginning of a new and the most beautiful chapter in my life. The day when my love and I are getting married... As I was looking at my reflection in the mirror a happy and unforgettable memory revived in me. The night when I proposed to her. She was the woman who meant the world to me. And now here we are... 'Today she is going to be my wife...' I was happier than ever and nothing could ruin my happiness. From the sea of my memories my mother's voice brought me back into reality.

"Is everything alright, darling?"

"Of course, Mom! I'm a little nervous, but that's all." I said with a tiny sigh. I was tyring to keep calm, but it wasn't easy, since I was too excited.

"Is this the tie that your father bought for you right before your high school graduation?"

"Yes." I replied honestly as my mother stepped closer to me, then she adjusted my black tie. For a brief moment I lost in my emotions. I missed my father. "I wish Dad was here... With us..."

"So do I, Connor..." she whispered, then finally our gaze met again. "But trust me, your father is still here with us. In our hearts... In our memories... The bond between people is something we can't see, yet it does exist. And the pure love doesn't know space nor time..." my mother's words made me smile. She was right. Our beloved ones will remain part of our lives forever. After that, I pulled mm mother into a tight embrace, then a moment later a knock broke the silence. As I expected, it was Hank.

"Hey! I have a good news and a bad news."

"What is the bad news?" I asked him immediately as my heart started pounding insanely. 'What if a storm is coming? What if Cameron lost the rings? What if something happened to Rose?'

"A curious deer joined the guests."

"Well, this is not surprising, since the wedding venue is a forest which is full of fragrant decorations. Roses, lilies, gypsophila, wild flowers..." my mother explained, then we all started laughing.

"And what is the good news?"

"The good news is that if you're ready, I'll go to get your bride."

"I'm ready, just... Give me a few more minutes, please."

"Alright, son." Hank answered, then my mother left the room, leaving us alone. Hank was about to follow her, but seconds later he looked back at me. "Hey, Connor!"

"Yes, Hank?"

"I'm proud of you! And I know that this is not the best moment, but... Thank you!"

"For what?"

"For opening my eyes, Connor..." he admitted with a sincere smile on his face. "In the recent years I was so determined to put an end to my life, hoping to see Cole again. I didn't care about anything and anyone, but then... On a rainy night I met you. In the beginning I couldn't stand you, but over time everything has changed. Thanks to you, I learned to live again and not only for myself. For Cole, for Rose, for you and for everyone I love..." he said as he deepened in his memories. "And Rose... After losing her twin sister she became completely heartbroken and she lost her faith in the world, but you... Thanks to you, she forgot her bitterness. You bandaged her wounds. And you made her happy..." I didn't say anything. Instead, I returned Hank's smile, then finally he left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I glanced back at the vintage style standing mirror in front of me. As I was staring at my reflection an old memory revived in me. A memory which became part of my life. I closed my chocolate brown eyes...

I was just a machine, but it wasn't really me... (Connor x OC) D: BHWhere stories live. Discover now