༻ 72, The last rose petal ༺

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After the ceremony the time has come to say goodbye to my beautiful bouquet. My lips curled into a huge smile as I looked at the girls in front of me, then I turned around, took a deep breath and finally I tossed my bouquet away. I was so curious about who is going to catch it. Lia? Or Hannah? Maybe Genesis? As soon as I turned around I got the answer. Scarlet was the lucky girl who caught the bouquet of flowers. Well, we all know the wedding traditions... After that, Connor and I cut the wedding cake, later we served champagne for our guests, then finally the celebration has begun. Most of the guests started talking to each other, while many of them were dancing, but some of the guests decided to try the savory wines and the delicious desserts. Meanwhile, Connor and I thanked Mrs Lawrence for her good wishes and the beautiful flowers, then our boss stepped closet to us.

"My sincere congratulations! You are an amazing couple and you deserve to be happy." Jeffrey wished all the best with a glass of champagne in his hand.

"Thank you so much, Captain!"

"And where will you spend your honeymoon, if may I ask?" he asked us curiously, then Connor answered the question as he wrapped one of his arms around my waist.

"In Alaska... One of Rose's biggest dream is to see the northern lights with her own eyes, while I love the snow covered mountains and the famous Alaskan foods."

"Sounds great!" Jeffrey replied with a smile, then he took a sip of his drink. I was glad that my husband chose the famous Armand de Brignac champagne, especially the traditional Brut Gold and the savory Demi Sec varieties. "Well... Go and enjoy the night, since this is your big day. And just so you know, I'm proud of you!" our boss added, then he joined the Miller family, leaving us alone with out thoughts. We were about to find our mothers, but a few seconds later I saw Scarlet who was walking toward us with a young man.

"Heartiest Congratulations!"

"Thank you very much! And thank you for being here with us!" Connor answered honestly, then Scarlet glanced at the charismatic man next to her.

"Let me introduce Kerian, my boyfriend."

"Hello! It's nice to finally meet you!"

"It's nice to meet you too, Kerian!" in the next few minutes we talked a bit, then Scarlet and Kerian decided to dance under the blue sky. Once they disappeared from our view a familiar voice greeted us.

"This is the finest champagne I've ever tasted."

"I'm glad you think so, Elijah!" I replied with a chuckle at the end. Although, I was pregnant and I had to avoid the alcohol, but after the ceremony I tasted the sweet champagne. I never liked the champagnes, but on that night the Armand de Brignac became one of my favorite drinks.

"Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Dechart! I hope your happiness will last forever!"

"Thank you, Mr Kamski!"

"By the way, where is Chloe?" I asked him as I was looking around.

"She is dancing with Matthew."

"Aww... And why not with you?"

"As soon as I hear a slow and romantic melody, I ask her for a dance. I'm too old to salsa and freestyle..."

"Tch... Says a 36 years old man with his muscular abdomen..." I replied with a small chuckle. In my family Elijah was the most athletic person, since he spent hours doing sports every day. Swimming, jogging, yoga and so on... After our conversation a new song broke the silence. Elijah placed his empty glass on the edge of the closet table, then finally he glanced back at Connor.

I was just a machine, but it wasn't really me... (Connor x OC) D: BHWhere stories live. Discover now