༻ 26, My rose ༺

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It was only early afternoon when I returned from Jericho. Once I arrived home I got dressed into my black leggings, my white plush slippers and my warm dark brown plush hoodie, then put my hair up to a messy bun. Connor could arrive home in any minute, so I was waiting for him patiently. At first, I read some fresh news and played on my PlayStation, then I decided to draw something. Later I made a mug of lavender tea and swallowed a painkiller, then finally sat down on the comfortable couch and continued reading the Shakespeare drama, but in less than an hour I reached the last pages of the book. I glanced at the clock on the fireplace. 17:38... It was weird that Connor hadn't come home yet, but I didn't worry, since if anything would happen to him, then Hank would call me immediately. The silence annoyed me. I was listening as the fire was crackling in the fireplace, but then I glanced at my piano. Suddenly I felt the urge to play on the it, so I sat down in front of the antique musical instrument, carefully placed my fingers on the white keys, then finally I started playing on the piano and the soft melody was followed by my voice...

Lavender's blue dilly dilly... Lavender's green...

When I am King dilly dilly... You shall be Queen...

Who told you so dilly dilly... Who told you so?

T'was my own heart dilly dilly... That told me so...

Call up your men dilly dilly... Set them to work...

Some to the plow dilly dilly... Some to the fork...

Some to make hay dilly dilly... Some to cut corn...

While you and I dilly dilly... Keep ourselves warm...

Lavender's green dilly dilly... Lavender's blue...

If you love me dilly dilly... I will love you....

Let the birds sing dilly dilly... Let the lambs play...

We shall be safe dilly dilly... Out of harms way...

I love to dance dilly dilly... I love to sing...

When I am Queen dilly dilly... You'll be my King...

Who told me so dilly dilly... Who told me so?

I told myself dilly dilly... I told me so...

Although, the last words of the song left my lips, but my fingers still danced on the piano keys for a while, then finally the pleasant melody was over...

"You have a beautiful voice..." an unknown, yet cute voice whispered from behind me. I instantly turned around, sitting on the black velvet piano chair. A little girl was standing in front of me. With one hand she was holding Connor's hand, while with the other hand she was hugging her plush bear. I blinked a few times, then glanced up at Connor... Then back at the little girl, finally at Connor again...

"Rose, she's Victoria. Victoria, she's Rose whom I told you about." he introduced us to each other, but even then I didn't understand what was happening around me.

"Hello, Victoria!" I greeted her with a smile. The ocean blue eyed little girl returned my smile, then she glanced at the dogs and finally started playing with them on the rug in the living room. "What happened? I'm pretty sure that this girl has something to do with the investigation. So?" I asked him, while Connor and I was walking toward the couch, then as soon as we sat down he explained the unexpected situation.

I was just a machine, but it wasn't really me... (Connor x OC) D: BHWhere stories live. Discover now