༻ 63, Painful memories ༺

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One week... One agonizing week has passed since I last saw Connor's smile. I was sitting on the marble floor of the living room in the Kamski residence, hugging a soft plush turtle, breathing in the sweet vanilla scent of my cardigan. I was staring at the sunset through the glass wall which was decorated with frozen ice flowers. I was admiring the golden clouds and the twinkling stars, but my thoughts were far away from reality. Far away in the past... Beyond the stars... In the deep sea of the ​​memories...

I spent already at least four hours in my uncle's laboratory, while we were trying to save Connor's life. Elijah successfully diverted the blood vessels into the heart-lung machine, removed the damaged heart and finally it was replaced by the synthetic heart of the RK800.

"Rose!" Elijah spoke up. "Check the heart-lung machine."

"Everything is stable."

"Chloe! Turn on the 3D printer. And I need 20 milligram procaine."

"Right away."

"Markus! Sterilize the biocomponent 1502d."

"I understood." Markus replied, then he did as my uncle asked. '1502d?'...

"Wait a second... Which biocomponent is the 1502d?" I asked with worry in my voice, but Elijah didn't answer. On purpose... I saw in his gaze that something is wrong. "Elijah... Which biocomponent is the 1502d?"

"His left arm..." he answered as he let out a deep sigh. At that moment all of the human emotions disappeared from my face. I froze... "I'm sorry, Rose! But the extent of the damage is bigger than I thought..."

By the time the memory faded away the sun already disappeared behind the horizon and it was replaced by the silver moon. I missed Connor... His honest smile, his cheerful laugh, his kind words, his sweet kisses, his gentle touches... Without him I was like the night sky without the stars. Empty... Like a wandering wolf without the pack. Lonely... Or like a brave soldier without the weapon. Vulnerable...

When the first rays of the rising sun appeared on the horizon Connor's synthetic heart began pounding. Elijah robotized the entire left side of his chest, including his heart and his left arm too.

"His synthetic heart needs 500 milliliter thirium, otherwise it will stop within a few hours." Elijah informed us as he sterilized Connor's right arm. "You have to hold him down on the bed for a few minutes. Don't let him move. Did you understand?"

"What are you talking about, Mr Kamski?" Markus asked him. He was surprised, just like Chloe and I.

"The thirium will circulate energy and electricity through his heart. His blood will burning when it mingling with the thirium. It will be extremely painful, but a few minutes later his body will adapt to the new blood. Without thirium he is going to die..." my uncle explained as we held Connor down, then finally Elijah started the transfusion. In the first few seconds everything was fine, but then Connor started yelling at the top of his voice. He was trying to get rid of our grip, but we didn't let him go. His bitter tears were flowing, while he was yelling my name. My heart shattered... 'It will be over soon, I promise... Hold on, please!'... As Elijah promised, minutes later the agonizing pain disappeared and Connor fell into deep sleep... Everything went silent...

My only wish was to see as Connor wakes up... I spent every minute of the past days at the Kamski residence, mainly in the laboratory. I was waiting for a miracle... As I was looking at the pale moon crystal clear tears appeared in my eyes, the suddenly my father's words started echoing in my head. 'Crying doesn't mean that you're weak, Rosalie... It means that you've been too strong for too long...'

I was just a machine, but it wasn't really me... (Connor x OC) D: BHWhere stories live. Discover now