༻ 66, My little deviant ༺

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! Warning: Sexual content
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I was happy. Happier than ever in my life. After the painful weeks Connor finally woke up... A few minutes later I cried out to Elijah who joined us in the laboratory immediately. He was glad to see that after the long weeks my fiancé finally returned to us. Seemingly, Connor was fine, but Elijah wanted to do some standard tests. Meanwhile, I told him everything about what was going on in the past four weeks. However, there was something that I didn't tell him. I didn't tell him that he is not an ordinary human anymore... 'I wait a few days till he adapt to his new body, but then I'm gonna tell him the truth...'

"Where are we?" Connor asked me in a sleepy voice, while Elijah was doing the final tests.

"In a safe place. In Elijah's laboratory, directly under the villa." I informed him. "What is the last thing that you remember?"

"We were in the CyberLife tower. One of the guards shot me, then a few minutes later my system collapsed and I died..." he answered, then deepened in his thoughts for a brief moment. He seemed to be trying to remember something.

"Rose. Ask him a few random things. We have to know what does he remember." my uncle said, then I did as he asked.

"Okay! Umm... What are our dogs' names?"

"Shasta and Luna."

"When did the revolution end?"

"2038 November 11th."

"What is my brother's name?"

"You don't have a brother."

"On January 14th we infiltrated the CyberLife Tower. Why?"

"Because of an illegal experiment. I was the subject." he replied correctly. He didn't forget our memories, but we had to know what does he remember about his real past

"What is your mother's name?" I asked the next question, then he deepened in his thoughts, trying to find an answer between his memories, but in vain.

"I don't know."

"What is your home address?"

"I don't know..."

"What is your favorite food?"

"I... Don't know..."

"Elijah?" I glanced at my uncle with worry in my eyes, while I was holding Connor's hand. 'Why can't he remember his past? Will he ever remember? And if he will, then when?'

"Partial amnesia, as I expected." he explained, staring at the monitor. "His consciousness was commuting between the two bodies, so this was expected. But don't worry! I'm sure that he'll regain his memories over time. All of them..."

"What does over time mean?"

"A few weeks, but maybe a few months..." Elijah admitted honestly, then glanced at us with an encouraging smile. "Anyways, the test results are excellent. So I advise you to go home and get some rest. Both of you, especially Connor..." as the words left my uncle's mouth our lips curled into a smile. Of course, we took his advice, since we missed our home... An hour later we were already sitting in the living room in front of the fireplace. Everything was so peaceful...

"How do you feel?" I asked him, then glanced at his DPD hoodie which kept him warm.

"I'm exhausted and a little dizzy. And I'm a bit hungry..." he admitted with a tiny chuckle as I wrapped a warm blanket around him.

I was just a machine, but it wasn't really me... (Connor x OC) D: BHWhere stories live. Discover now