Chapter 6: Backstage Passes

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Camila's Pov:

“Oh my god, I can hardly even walk.” I state rubbing my full belly as we walk back to
Y/N's car.


“Yeahhhh. Yo Mama’s will do that to you.”
Y/N chuckles.


“I won’t be able to eat anything else for a week.” I say dramatically.


“Naa, You’ll be hungry by dinner time!”


“Speak for yourself. I’m hardly going to move until tomorrow.”


“Well I hope not, seeing as I was going to ask you to come to our show tonight, but it’s no biggie you can catch us another time.” Y/N says kicking at a pebble on the sidewalk.


“Really? No I will force my stomach to be back to normal by then! I don’t want to miss out on you guys playing! Especially now that I know you!” I say animatedly.


“Ok. I’m picking up Kelley from her dorms at about 6 so you can ride with me if you want.” Y/N smiles as we climb into her car.


“Sounds good to me! Is it at the same place?”


“Yeah we always play at Abby’s unless we get invited to play at a festival or party or something.” Y/N states.


“Is it casual?”


“Just wear like what you wore the other night if you want. It’s the first night of the new semester so it should be more packed then last time.”


“Sweet.” I say and on that note I look out the window to enjoy the sunshine and wind once again.




“C’mon Camila! We have to leave soon so we can get there early and set up!” Kelley complains as she’s bouncing on my bed in impatience.


“I’m coming I’m coming!” I shout as I throw on my white converse before running out the door with Kelley.


“I’m so excited for you to see us play!” Kelley squeals.


“I’ve already seen you play!”

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