Chapter 16: A Little Drunk

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Camila walks around the bar and takes my outstretched hand in hers and I lead her to the middle of the dance floor. We get to the middle of the dance floor, and the sweaty mass of people all swaying together, push us close to one another. The beat of the music flowing from the stage is unfamiliar, but the pulsation throbs throughout my body.

Camila is about a foot in front of me and I see that she is not completely comfortable, and her movements are jerky and awkward unlike mine. With the alcohol now flowing through my blood I reach out hook my arm around the Camila's lower back, bringing her closer.

“Like this.” I say placing my hands on her hips and moving them in synchronization with mine.

Camila keeps her head down and watches my feet, trying to copy each move that I made. I put my finger under her chin, to get her to look at me.

“Don’t look, just feel.” I whisper.

“I’m sorry I’m not a very good dancer.” She chuckles nervously.

“Well lucky for you, I am. It’s not that hard, just move to the rhythm of the music.” I say stepping back so that Camila could see how to just let her hips flow to the beat. I have to bite my lip to stop the laugh from escaping my throat as I see Camila nod her head to the beat in concentration as she watches my hips.

“Here.” I say moving close to her again, but this time twirling her around so that her back is placed to my front. I grab her hands and put them on her hips, keeping mine there as I move my hips slowly to the beat. Camila slowly becomes comfortable and then starts to move her hips against me. I clench my jaw and close my eyes as desire instantly overwhelms my system. I lower my head at the hopelessness of my state, but it only worsens my situation when the fragrance of roses and honey arise from Camila's slightly perspiring neck.

In my alcohol-dazed condition, I get lost in the music and Camila's swaying hips. I don’t know how long we stay like this; just dancing closely against one another, but at some point Camila spins around and dangles one of her arms around my neck, with the other clutching on to my slightly damp loose white V-neck. I look down at Camila's lips and lick my own with the desire I have to simply just lean down and connect my lips to hers.

“We need more alcohol!” I suddenly say, backing away from Camila and taking a deep breath. “C’mon.” I say and drag her towards the bar.

“Julie can you hand us a bottle of Cruzan Single Barrel and two shot glasses please!” I shout to Julie over the noise of the band and the people hovering by the bar. She gives out a little snort before bending down to grab the bottle of rum and slides it across the bar with two glasses, and I slam $40 on the bar and raise the bottle in thanks. I grab the two glasses with my fingers and am turning around, ready to take shots with Camila, when I see her in a conversation with a guy.

“Really?! Me and my friends go to Tulane!” I hear Camila say to the guy while slapping his chest with the back of her hand.

“Yeah? You guys should come to our party next week!” The guy says excitedly with an accent.

“Oh Y/N! This is Brian! He’s on the swim team at Tulane and is from South Africa.” Camila says with an impressed look on her face.

“Nice to meet you Brian, Y/N.” I say shaking his hand, which he shakes happily.

“Nice to meet you too Y/N, you guys were awesome by the way.” He compliments.

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