Chapter 26: How Do I Know

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I’m walking back into the dorm, still dazed from Ashlyn’s comment earlier. In love? No. I can’t be in love right? I mean I’ve only known Camila for like 3 months. Love can’t happen that fast can it?

I’m so caught up in my own thoughts that I run straight into someone.

“Oof. Oh man I’m sor-“ I begin to apologize but stop when I see Matthew standing in front of me, looking down at me with that stupid aloof look on his face.

“What are you doing here?” I basically growl out.

“How’s the lip faggot?” He asks with a smirk on his lips.

“Fuck off.” I mumble angrily as I push past him. Except he didn’t walk away like I was hoping, but followed close behind me.

“Where are you going?” He asks as he sees me walking in the direction he just came from.

I clench my jaw and ignore him completely as I continue to walk to Camila's room. I’m about to knock when he suddenly grabs my wrist and pulls me back.

“You listen to me. If I so much as get an inkling of you trying to convert my girlfriend to go gay for you, you’ll regret it.” He states, his eyes boring into mine.

“Hey pal. Why don’t you get the fuck off of me.” I snarl at him as I pull my wrist out of his grasp. “If you are so insecure about some dyke like me getting with the your girl, then you must be really fucking lousy in bed.” I spit out.

“You little piece of shit. Who the fuck do you think you are?!” Matthew demands angrily.

“I’m someone who doesn’t give a fuck who you or your daddy are you little prick.” I say stepping closer to him. His eyes are full of anger and he grabs my shirt in one hand and starts to raise his other arm.

“Do it. I’d like to see you protest against video evidence.” I say tilting my head to the video camera that I know is only a few feet down the hall. I see his eyes flick towards it and hesitation cross his face. “So fucking do it. Man up. Because that’s what being a man is all about right? Beating up women.” I sneer at him and his nostrils flare in anger as his mouth opens.

“What’s going on?” A voice suddenly interrupts our stare off. We both turn and see Camila looking at us with wide eyes. I know the situation must look bad. I’m standing so close to Matthew, less then a foot separated us, Matthew still has his arm slightly raised with his hand clenched into a fist with his other grasping my shirt, and both of our facial features are display our hate for each other.

“Nothing sugar lips. We were just talking.” Matthew says as he backs away from me and walks toward Camila. Sugar lips? Fuck he is such a prick.

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