Chapter 20: Happy Birthday

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I stop and stare at the guy in front of me. He’s a pretty handsome guy, tan, looked to be in good shape, and was dressed well. Before I can open my mouth to respond to him, Camila sticks her head around his shoulder and smiles when she sees it’s me.

“Y/N! Hey come in!” She says walking back into the room. I raise my eyebrows at Matthew and he rolls his eyes as he begrudgingly lets me in. I look at Camila as she is walking around the room and notice that she’s dressed a lot nicer then usual.

“Y/N this is my boyfriend Matthew. Hussey this is my best friend here Y/N.” She introduces us with a wide smile on her face. “Matthew surprised me this morning. I totally forgot that he was coming to visit after fall break.” Camila tells me.

“Oh well it’s nice to meet you Matthew.” I say and don’t shake his hand because I’m scared I’ll drop the plate of cake balls that already occupy my hands.

“Same to you Y/N.” He says with a head tilt.

“What are those?!?!” Camila asks me suddenly. I see her looking at the cake balls I had made for her and grin widely.

“I made these for you. They’re cake balls. I remember you telling me you had never had them before so I thought you know why not make her something she’s never had before because you’ve probably tried-“ I ramble on and Camila stops me by taking the plate out of my hands, shoving it to Matthew and throwing her arms around my neck and hugging me tightly.

“Happy birthday Cam.” I whisper into her ear. Camila continues to hold me and I glance up to see Matthew with an irritated look on his face. I end the hug quickly and step back to see Camila smiling brightly at me.

“Thank you Y/N! I can’t wait to try them after lunch!” She says.

“Where do you want to go? It’s my treat since it’s your birthday.” I say excitedly thinking of where we should go to lunch.

“Oh. Um actually Matthew is taking me to lunch.” She says in a small voice and Matthew walks up and places an arm around her waist, making my stomach curl and hands me back the plate of cake balls.

“Oh geeze I’m sorry! I wasn’t even thinking.” I say blushing as I realize of course he would be the one taking her out for lunch.

“You can come with us though!” She says and grabs my arm as if she were going to drag me there.

“Camila we have reservations for only two at Brennan’s.” Matthew interrupts and Camila actually looks crestfallen.

“It’s ok Camila. I was just going to head to Yo Mamas anyways.” I say scratching the back of my neck and setting the plate down on her desk. “Um I’ll see you at Abby’s tonight.” I say as I begin backing away before I realize something else. “Oh but you guys probably have dinner plans and stuff so forget about it. I mean it’s just a stupid old show anyways. You guys have a good lunch.” I say walking away.

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