Chapter 44: I Don't Know

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The next month goes by without a hitch. The band and I finish recording our first record and Ted continues to tell us how excited he is to see the response to the release since Warner Bros. has been advertising us pretty heavily.

Ruby comes up to me the Monday morning after the club incident apologizing profusely, promising to remain professional for the remanding time we have left working together. This doesn’t stop Camila from giving Ruby a death glare every time she stops by the studio though.

On the last Friday of the month Camila and I find ourselves in her closet, getting dressed for the party that Warner Bros. is throwing for us for our album release. The band members have outfits that correspond with one another. The company had chosen for me to wear black ripped jeans, a simple red, but somehow still ridiculously expensive, V-neck with a new leather jacket. They wanted us to look relaxed but sleek and stylish. Camila had decided to go with a red dress that showed her back, dipping so low that I swear if she moved a certain way everyone was going to see her ass.

We arrive at the party, everyone congratulating us and handing us champagne as we walk in, but my attention is on the side of the building, and I turn and smile at Camila at the sight in front of me. Suddenly I hear Kelley gasp behind me and whirl around to see the shocked expression on her face. She thrusts her champagne glass into Kling’s hand, spilling half of it on her, as she runs through the crowd across the room to Jess who is smiling at her brilliantly. Kelley runs right up to Jess, jumping in her arms, and Jess catches her at the last second.

I turn my attention to Ash behind me, and see her walking slowly in the same direction as Kelley had ran, her mouth slightly open in awe.

“Al?” She calls out too softly for Ali to possibly hear it over the crowd and across the room.

“Ali?” She says a little louder, her pace picking up as she strides to Ali. She crashes into Ali, crushing her in a hug as she buries her face into her neck.

Kling and Pinoe let out cries of joy when they see their family members appear out of the crowd. I turn to Camila, a wide smile on my face at the reaction our friends had to the surprise she had thought of. I’m about to say something when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I spin around and my mouth drops when I see my mom beaming in front of me.

“Mom?!?!” I shout and slam into her, wrapping my arms tightly around her.

“You told me that you couldn’t come!” I say once I had separated from her.

“A little white lie doesn’t hurt anyone. Besides, how could I pass flying in a movie star’s private jet.” She teases me, looking over my shoulder at Camila.

“Camila dear it’s so nice to see you. Thank you so much for flying all of us out here.” My mom thanks Camila who nods her head graciously.

“It was my pleasure Mrs. Cindy.”

“I don’t think you know what it means to some of these families that you flew them out here and are also taking care of their lodging.” My mom says to her and Camila just blushes at her generosity.

“So this toast- oh where is that champagne I just saw someone pass with it, ah here we go!” She says handing us both a flute of champagne before raising it in the air.

“A toast to Camila, who has brought so much joy into my daughter and my own life.” My mom states, and I raise my glass high in the air to that. There’s a resounding cheer in the air as everyone drinks to my mother’s toast and Camila smiles humbly at me.

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