Chapter 24: Explanation

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It took us over an hour to explain to Kelley everything she wanted to know. And by us, I mean Camila. I mostly sat quietly next to her, watching Kelley’s face change from shock, sadness, bewilderment, and then happiness.

“Oh my god! I don’t think you understand how happy this makes me!” Kelley says with tears in her eyes.

“I didn’t think little old Y/N here would get out of her phase of wooing women for one!” Kelley points at me.

“Hey. I can’t help it that I’m smoother then cream cheese.” I say with a shrug of my shoulders and a smirk across my face.

“You are such a dork it’s unreal.” Camila says with a roll of her eyes.

“Agreed.” Kelley chimes in.

“Oh please! You guys love me for my dorkiness! It’s part of the Y/L/N charm!” I say with a wide grin across my face as I look at Camila. She smiles at me before shoving me backwards on the futon.

“So let me get this straight. I mean there is nothing really straight about it “ Kelley snorts out before continuing. “ No one else can find out about you two?”

“Yes.” Camila and I respond at the same time.

“And if they do, then your career is over with Camila?” She asks and Camila nods her head seriously.

“Gosh.” Kelley says scratching the back of her head. “I reallyyyy suck at keeping secrets.” At this, Camila's eyes go wide and a horrified expression crosses her face.

“But!” Kelley says when she sees Camila's concerned face. “I will make an exception for you two! I will take this to my grave, IF, and only if, I get to tease you as much as I want when it’s just the three of us.”

“NO!” I say immediately and sit up from my layed back position on the futon.

“Y/N we don’t have a choice.” Camila says softly to me. I look over her shoulder to see Kelley giggling at me with an evil glint in her eye.

“We accept your proposal.” Camila says and Kelley whoops in joy while I groan at the endless teasing that is about to occur.

“You don’t even know what you’ve gotten us into.” I say to Camila as I lay back down on the futon, closing my eyes.

“So. Gotten any nookie Camila??” Kelley asks calmly.

It takes another hour for me to finally be able to shoo Kelley out of the door. I throw her clothes for Ashlyn, which is the reason she came in the first place, and slam the door shut and locking it. I turn back around to Camila whose cheeks are still flushed from Kelley’s insistent teasing.

“It’s only going to get worse the longer this goes on. She’s like road kill. She’s going to swell and swell and swell until she can’t take it anymore and then just explode. Except instead of like guts it’ll be hyperness and excitement.” I say with a nod of my head as I walk towards her.

“Ew that’s so gross Y/N!” Camila says scrunching her nose in disgust.

“Sorry my analogies are gross.” I say with a smirk once I am in front of her.

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