Chapter 25: Dudeeee

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The next morning I find myself walking into the hospital with 3 coffees in one hand and some breakfast in the other. As I am walking to Ash’s room, I can’t help but smirk as I think of last night. After eating at Louis’ we walked around Audubon Park, not caring that it was 3:30 in the morning. By the time we got back to the dorms, the skyline was starting to lighten, signaling that we had stayed out until down. I brought Camila to her door and kissed her goodbye, quickly though so that no early risers, if there were any, would see.

I run my tongue over my bottom lip, not believing that I had kissed Camila Cabello not even an hour ago. I had bags under my eyes from being up for over 24 hours, the back of my head hurt, but nothing can wipe away the smile on my face.

I get to Ash’s door and peak my head in, and my smile grows wider at the sight before me. Ali is sitting on the edge of the bed, running her hands over Ashlyn’s face while Ash has her eyes closed with a look of utter content on her face.

“Ahem.” I clear my throat to get their attention and they both look up to me.

“Hey Y/N.” Ali smiles at me.

“Yo Y/N!”

“How ya feelin buddy?” I say as I set down the coffee on the table and give Ash a fist bump.

“A little sore. Doc says its not going to ruin the money maker though.” She says motioning to her face.

“Shut up.” I chuckle out.

“Woh Dude did you get McD’s?!?!”


“I would kiss you but we’ve already done that once and that would be weird to do it a second time.” Ash says as she takes a sip of her coffee.

“Woh woh woh. Rewind! You’ve kissed Y/N?!” Ali exclaims while Ash and I chuckle.

“Yeah this guy our freshman year said he would give us his full 2 liter bottle of SKY if we did, so we did it.” Ash says with a shrug of her shoulders.

“We immediately took a shot afterwards and declared that we were never doing that again.” I say, thinking back to what I remember of that night which wasn’t that much.

“And Kelley almost shit her pants because she was coming back from the bar and didn’t hear about the bet so she just saw us kissing.” Ash chuckles.

“Oh my god yes! She thought we were actually into each other! Her face was priceless!” I laugh out.

“How come I never heard about this?” Ali asks.

“It was the first week of freshman year so we didn’t know each other.” Ash informs.

“That not the case now.” Ali says as she leans closer to Ashlyn.

“Thankfully.” Ashlyn whispers and pulls her in for a kiss.

Thinking it was going to be a quick kiss, I decided not to tease or say anything but boy was I mistaken. The kiss turned heated so fast I didn’t have time to react before Ali was moaning into Ash’s mouth.

“Oh my god guys! I’m right here! You know what, no McDonalds for you pigs.” I say as I walk towards the door.

“Wait no!” Ashlyn yells, breaking off the kiss. “C’mon Y/N. You wouldn’t let your friend who just got beat up while you stood by and watched starve would ya?

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