Chapter 48: Tequila

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I don’t stop running until my foot gets caught on a crack and I fall, rolling a few times before I come to a stop. My chest is heaving as I try to take deep breaths. I look down at my feet and stare dazedly at them when I see the bottoms of my feet are torn apart and bleeding onto the concrete. I numbly gaze around, taking in my surroundings, surprised when I see that it’s late afternoon.

I scoot my body back towards the wall until I’m resting it against it. Tears start to spring to my eyes when I think about what occurred this morning.

“God dammit.” I whisper to myself as I can feel my shoulders shaking and watch as a teardrop appears on the concrete.

I close my eyes, rest my head on my knees, and try to take deep breaths to calm myself down. Fifteen minutes later I’ve calmed myself down, having forced my mind to go blank and not think of anything. I stand and wince, now very aware of the state of my feet and calves for running for so long. I hobble to the nearest building and walk inside. I notice that it’s a bar and walk to the large empty oak counter.

“Can I use your telephone?” I croak out, not realizing how dry my throat was.

“Sure hon.” The older woman says, handing me a phone.

I dial a number and sit on the stool, sighing in relief at the loss of pressure on my shredded feet.



“Y/N is this you? What number is this?”

“Kelley I need you.”

“Y/N what’s wrong?”

“Camila and I broke it off.” I whisper. For some odd reason I thought that if I whisper it, it wouldn’t be true.

“Wait what?! Why?!” She exclaims in shock.

“I-I cant talk about this over the phone I need you Kel.” I say to her, wiping at the tears that I can already feel forming.

“Where are you?”

“I don’t know hold on. Mam what’s the name of this bar?” I ask the bartender.

“The Rusty Oak.” She tells me and I repeat the name to Kelley.

“Ok it says it’s a 40 minute drive from where I am. I’ll be there as soon as I can Y/N!”

“Wait can you bring my phone and wallet? Oh and shoes.”

“Shoes? Y/N why do you need shoes?” She asks and I can here doors slamming in the background.

“I forgot them when I left the apartment.” I admit.

“Fuck Y/N.” She mutters into the phone.

“I’ll see you soon Kel.” I say before hanging up and handing the phone back to the bartender.

“Thank you. Can I have top shelf tequila shot please?” I ask the older woman, rubbing my forehead as I can feel my head start to pound.

“Got your ID?”

“My friend is bringing my wallet.” I sigh out.

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