Chapter 43: Waffles

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Ruby hands me yet another shot after I come back from the bathroom, which I don’t even hesitate to knock back. She pulls me down to sit on the couch and I find myself between Ruby and a girl I don’t know. I sit with Ruby and her friends for what seems like hours, taking more shots then I should take. As the night goes on, Ruby becomes touchier with me, but I brush it off as her being drunk and friendly. I’m in the middle of listening to Ruby’s friend, Rob, tell me a story of him surfing in Fiji when I feel lips against my neck.

I turn my head towards the body next to me, and my lips connect with another unfamiliar pair. In my drunken state, it takes me longer to react then I would if I were sober, pulling away after about 5 seconds. I open my eyes and see Ruby looking down at my lips.

“What are you doing?” I ask her, leaning away.

“Well there must be a reason you came back to drink with me.” Ruby husks out.

“I just didn’t want to be in the house.” I slurred, backing away from her.

I look around, coming to my senses and stand suddenly, drunkenly swaying on the spot.

“Y/N come on don’t leave.” I hear Ruby say to me and I shake my head as I stumble to the door.

I climb into one of the cabs that are waiting outside of the club, and give out the directions to Camila's house. I arrive back to Camila's house, giving the driver a twenty before basically falling out of the cab.

I walk through the backyard, drunkenly patting myself on the back because I didn’t want to wake people up at 3 in the morning. My hand is on the handle of the sliding glass door, when I hear a sniffle over the wind. I turn around and see a figure sitting on the hill overlooking LA.

I turn back to the door, almost opening it, knowing that it is Camila on the hill. I sigh, leaning my head against the glass before pushing off of it and walking towards Camila's huddled figure.

At the sound of my footsteps, Camila whirls around and has a surprised expression on her face at the sight of me. I hesitate, my gate faltering, before I push through and sit down close to Camila, but still have about two inches between us. We sit in silence, looking down at the city below us, waiting for someone to break the silence. Finally I speak up after the silence between us becomes unbearable.

“I’m sorry.” I say quietly. Camila's head quickly turns to me, almost as if she were confused why I was the one apologizing.

“Why are you sorry?”

“I overreacted.” I confess.

“I should have told you.”

“Yeah well I should have trusted you.”

“But-“ She tries to argue but I interrupt her.

“I should have trusted you. I do trust you. I don know why I didn’t. Sometimes I have trust issues, but I shouldn’t have freaked out.”

“There’s history between you and Matthew  it’s understandable.” Camila says, putting a hand on top of mine.

For some reason that small act makes me incredibly emotional.

“I’m sorry Camila, I’m sorry.” I fervently mumble out, throwing myself into Camila's arms. Camila catches me, looking down in befuddlement.

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