Chapter 21: Oh Fuck

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I storm away from Camila, needing to get away before my emotions got the better of me. I brush past Kelley who is dancing happily with Jess to the smooth salsa music that Santana is playing, past Kling and Pinoe who are taking shots in the corner of the room surrounded by a crowd, and out the side door into the street. I sit on a stack of crates and lean my head against the brick wall.

“Why the fuck is she with that tool?” I mutter to myself as I take a large sip of the drink Normani gave me as I think of Camila and Matthew.

I don’t know how long I’m outside with my head against the wall, listening to the muffles tunes of Santana. I’m about to go back inside, only because I had finished my drink five minutes ago, when the side door burst open. I see two figures stumbling out, hand in hand. I squint my eyes to see in the dark ally way and recognize it’s Ash and Ali. I watch and raise my eyebrows as Ali pushes Ash up against the wall and basically attacks her face.

“So much for being subtle.” I chuckle to myself quietly.

I’m moving slowly off of the crates, so as not to disturb them when the side door opens with a bang.

“What the fuck!” I hear someone say and realize that it is Brent who is storming to Ash and Ali who had jumped apart too late. Brent shoves Ali away from Ash and begins to punch Ashlyn anywhere he can.

“Oh fuck!” I shout and hurry off of the crates to stop it.

“I fucking knew it! You piece of shit!” He shouts while punching away at Ashlyn. As I’m running over, I see Ali try and pull him away but he pushes her to the ground where she hits her head and doesn’t move. Ashlyn tries to get in a punch but he over powers her easily, and all she can do is try to protect herself as much as possible.

I run in from the side and punch Brent on the side of his mouth, knocking him away from Ashlyn who is leaning against the wall, her nose bleeding profusely. While Brent is still a bit dazed, I go in for another punch but someone grabs my arm from behind. I am spent around and slammed into the wall. I look up and see Matthew holding me up against the wall. He looks at me before looking over to Brent and giving him a nod as if to say I’ve got your back. Brent stands up straight nodding his thanks to Matthew and spitting blood onto the ground from the split lip I gave him.

He hauls Ashlyn, who had slumped over, up and against the wall as he starts to punch her again.

“Stop it! Fucking stop it!” I scream at him but he continues to punch away at Ashlyn. I try and push back against Matthew, try to kick him, try to rip away from him but each time I do he shoves me hard against the wall, causing me to see stars. I still struggle against him, and this time he punches my mouth and I taste the blood as it fills my mouth.

“Joey! Joey!” I yell hoping that the bouncer will hear me. After a few minutes I realize it’s helpless because no one can hear us in the back ally way through the thick oak door and over the loud music. I glance over and see Ali is stirring back to life.

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