Chapter 46: Wasted Youth

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“So Derek this is the band I was telling you would make an amazing addition to your soundtrack.” Paul informs a man that is sitting in a chair as we walk in.

“Hello, nice to meet you sir.” I say shaking his hand as he stands. We go about introducing one another before sitting down and turning our attention to Paul.

“Derek I feel like Firehawks would fit into your soundtrack for Youth perfectly. They have the right sound and they are a new and upcoming band that will without a doubt, be a major impact on the music industry in only a few months.” Paul guarantees.

“Do you have something for me to listen to?” Derek asks considerately.

“Actually we read the script, amazing movie by the way, and put together something.” Kling speaks up.

“Didn’t I just send that over a few days ago?” Derek asks in amazement.

“They’re good Derek. How about we go listen to them.” Paul stands, putting an arm around Derek’s shoulders and walking him out.

“Ok whenever you guys are ready!” Ted says through the speaker, giving us a thumbs up.

I look over at Camila, who had been waiting patiently in the recording room while we were in our meeting, and send her a wink. She smiles brightly back at me, sneakily blowing me a kiss. I take a deep breath; look back at the gals to make sure they are ready, before turning back to the microphone.

Wasted Youth- Fletcher

We got a lot of time to get it right

It feels good to mess it up, maybe don't think about it

Going late night who needs a fantasy

Buzzing on Hennessy

Class like a Kennedy

And you're my nation, my revolution

Living right now, well you can call it disillusioned


Until tomorrow comes

This is how we run


So take the good stuff, honey

The money just won't buy

Spend it up however we like

So take the good stuff, honey

The money just won't buy

Don't try to save us

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