Chapter 50: You Were Everything To Her

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Kelley POV

I take a deep breath and knock on the door, my heart in my throat as I wait. The door swings open and I’m met with an apprehensive looking Camila. My eyes run over her features, noting immediately that she looks a lot better then Tobin. The only difference then her normally perfect appearance are the small bags under her eyes, and they look bloodshot from crying.

“Come in.” She motions.

I walk the familiar pathways, until I’m leaning against the counter in the kitchen. Camila stands in front of me, wringing her hands nervously together in the awkward silence. She opens her mouth to say something, but before she can actually speak, I hear the sound of bare feet pattering on the floor

I turn to see an extremely handsome and muscular man walking into the room, only wearing shorts while drying his hair with a towel. He stops in his steps as we both look at each other in shock, and I can feel my blood begin to boil.

“Oh sorry Cam I didn’t realize you’d be having company.” He apologizes.

“Cam?” I whisper under my breath in utter outrage that this man in front of me felt close enough to Camila to be able to call her such a personal nickname.

I spin on my heel, taking two large steps towards Camila as she opens her mouth again. I slap her across the cheek as hard as I can, breathing heavily and trembling as I try to control my rage.

“You fucking bitch.” I spit out, my face screwing up in fury.

“You fucking bitch!” I repeat, louder this time as I shove Camila into the refrigerator. She lets out a small whimper as her head hits the metal door.

“Do you even know how much fucking pain Y/N is in?! Do you know she loves you so much that she didn’t eat for 5 days?! We had to get her stoned out of her mind just so she would fucking eat!! She comes back home stumbling every single fucking night from the bar because she cant sleep without being so fucked out of her mind that she cant keep her eyes open!” I scream at her, losing my cool completely in defense of my broken friend. I push her into the refrigerator, becoming angrier with every sentence. Camila closes her eyes, tears beginning to fall down her cheeks. It fuels my anger even more when she doesn’t fight back, just allowing me to shove her up against the medal door.

When I thrust her into the door harder then before, I feel arms wrap around my waist.

“That’s enough!” I hear the guy say firmly.

“You broke her! You know that?! You fucking broke the woman that is madly in love with you all because you’re too afraid of what the world will think of you!” I scream hoarsely, tears springing to my eyes as I think of Y/N. Camila collapses to the ground, her shoulders shaking

“She loves you so much, even after all the pain you’ve caused her, she still loves you! And here you are fucking some Hollywood type A guy!” I say struggling to get free of the strong arms wrapped around me.

“Woh woh woh. We’re not fucking, I’m her cousin for Christ’s sake.” The guy says in bewilderment, letting go of me. I sneer at him in disbelief and he rolls his eyes, strutting over to a backpack on the couch and pulls out a wallet.

“Jason Cabello. Here’s a picture of us as teenagers if you don’t believe me. Now will you please stop harassing my cousin.” He says heatedly , pointing over to where Camila is curled into a ball at the base of the refrigerator.

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