chapter 6 Taken

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Relaxing in my room I couldn't help but smile. Ruby is willing to stay with me even though she may be a target.

Popping my knuckles I heard a knock at the door. I lived alone but not long because I'll invite my mate to live with me. Opening the door I saw no one.

Looking at the ground I saw an envelop. Picking it up I headed back in my room to read it. There was no name or address.

Tearing it open I pulled out the letter and started reading.

Dear Fallen Angel:

If I was you I would be careful when your around your mate. There are wolves spying on you and you just never know when they will find out about her. Keep her safe before you loose her to someone she's terrified of.

On the back was a photo taped. I was hugging Ruby in her house and in the bushes circled in red was a werewolf. He had his face in the window watching us.

Ripping the paper up I felt my hands burning. Closing my eyes I calmed myself down by thinking of her beautiful face.

Opening them I walked over to my window. Glancing outside for a moment I shut the curtains.

Grabbing my phone off the nightstand I called my mate. After the fifth ring she picked up. "Hey."

"Ruby your not safe, my enemies know about us. You need to live with me so I can keep my eyes on you."

"Hello? Donovan? I can't hear you."

"Ruby? Can you hear me now?"

"Hold on there's a knock at the door." I could hear her setting the phone down. "Ruby no keep away from the door!" I yelled but she couldn't hear.

Listening what was happening in the background. "Can I help you?" I heard her say. "Ah!!"

Clenching the phone in my hand to much it crumbled in my hand. Running out of my room I headed straight to her house.


Setting the phone down I headed to the door. Opening it I saw a man I didn't know. "Can I help you?" He only grinned as he jumped at me.

Screaming I moved away and ran to my dresser. Grabbing my knife he threw me into my book shelf filled with my breakables. Covering my head as some of them fell on my back and hand.

He pulled me up and when I came up I took this chance and stabbed him directly in his abs. He stepped back as I turned and took off out the door.

Running straight down the road I felt a little safe. Stopping quickly, two wolves jumped out in my way. Turning around three wolves stood tall growling.

These wolves weren't normal, they were too big and too tall. They were werewolves.

The man I stabbed came walking towards us with an irritated look. "Let her go!" I heard Donovan yell from above. Looking up I saw him slowly landing with his beautiful wings.

"I'm the one you want, not her!" The guy just grinned as he tsked him. "No can do. My Alpha ordered us to capture her." Donovan clenched his fist and I could of swore I saw a spark of flames.

The wolves ignored me and put their full attention on Donovan. In a blink of an eye he was punching the man. The man screamed in pain as fire covered his pounding fists.

The wolves lunged at him and I covered my mouth. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I watched him take on all the wolves.

I was really shocked to see them all dead. He looked up at me and my eyes widened. His eyes were solid black with a little bit of orange.

"We need to leave." He picked me up bridal style sending shocks and tingles throughout my body. He spread out his wings and took flight. I wrapped my arms around him tightly.

Hiding my head on his chest with my eyes squeezes shut. I was terrified of heights.

The wind blew roughly in my face and arms. He landed softly and carried me all the way inside and finally set me on the bed.

He looked over my body for any injuries but only found bruises. He kissed my forehead and his deep breathing finally settled.

"Your going to live with me now" he whispered. Smiling I nodded my head. "Relax while I go do something."

I kissed his cheek before he left. Laying down in the bed I closed my eyes slowly starting to relax. But soon my relaxation turned to fear.

Opening my eyes I saw a man grinning at me. He dumped almost the whole bottle of chloroform on a cloth and placed it over my mouth.

Struggling in his grasp another man came and held me down. Soon the chloroform was taking affect. Feeling my body shut down my eyes fluttered closed wishing when I wake up I'll be in Donovans arms. But I know my wish won't come true.

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