chapter 5 A chance

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It was around two in the morning and I haven't been to sleep yet. I was too scared to. Tré was still free in a way and he would always find a way to me.

Looking over at my window from my bunk bed I saw movement followed by a tap. I clutched the bed sheets close to me as the window started to raise up.

My thoughts were to scream but I couldn't find my voice. The stranger climbed inside then shut the window. When he looked up at me he gave me a grin.

"Donovan? What the hell are you doing here?" I whispered yelled. He climbed his way up and sat in front of me. "I wanted to know if you were okay."

Shaking my head no i laid down and put my legs on his tap. "I'll never be okay with him running around." Looking at him he frowned, "I'll protect you. I'm here for you day or night Ruby."

Staring at the ceiling I felt tears ready to fall. I've never had anyone, besides my friends, be this nice and care. He was new to my school and I only know his name.

"Why do you care so much about me? You only know my name and a little about my abusive relationship." He looked like he wanted to say something to me but seemed afraid to say it.

Sitting up I eyed him suspiciously. "I know there's something on you mind." He grinned and ran his hand through his hair. He was very attractive and I just hope he doesn't have a girlfriend.

"" he took a deep breath and cleared his throat. "Do you believe in myths? Like werewolves, vampires, and all that."

Raising my eyebrow in confusion not knowing where this was going. "Yes" I dragged out. He smiled and I had a feeling he was going to tell me something he wasn't supposed to.

"I'm one of the mythical creatures." Looking at him like he was dumb I shook my head and laughed. "I don't believe you."

His face hardened as he grabbed my hand. I felt shocks and tingles go up my arm. Gasping I yanked my hand away. "Were mates Ruby."

Staring at him with my mouth open I couldn't believe this. I was mates to a mythical creature but he won't say which one. I didn't know how to react.

"Please just give me a chance with you. I can prove myself that I'm better than any other guy out there."

Looking over at the alarm clock I saw it was already 6:00am. My moms alarm went off and I started freaking out. "Lay down and don't move." I whispered and he grinned.

Laying down I pulled the covers over us and put my pillows up as a wall. Looking up at Donovan I resisted the urge to cuddle up to him.

My eye lids felt heavy but I forced them open. "Go to sleep" he whispered. Not wanting too I couldn't help but move closer to him. Closing my eyes I fell into a deep sleep.





Waking up I sat up to see Donovan was gone. Maybe it was a crazy dream? I thought and rubbed my eyes.

Smelling something really good I climbed down and looked out the window. There were no cars in the drive way.

Walking in the kitchen I saw Donovan cooking pancakes. I smiled feeling all happy inside. I couldn't believe I got so lucky and became mates with him.

He looked up and grinned at me. "Good morning sleepy head." Chuckling I rolled my eyes. Laying down next to his feet was my baby.

Tyson was a mixed breed but I wasn't sure by what. Tapping my thigh he quickly got up and jump up. Grabbing his sides and held him in my arms.

I loved this dog more than anything. "So that's his name." He asked. Looking up he grabbed a plate piled with pancakes. "Yeah, he's my baby. I spoil him rotten."

"This morning I had problems with the old grey looking dog." Smiling I set him down, "where is he?" He set the food on the table and opened the bathroom door.

Parker came out and ran into the room. I never really liked the dog and I made sure that he was scared of me.

"Let's eat in the living room." He grabbed the plate and I plopped on the couch. He handed me a fork and I took it.

Turning on the flat screen TV I put syfy on. Cabin in the woods was on. Setting the remote down I turned and started to admire him.

I don't understand why he was still here. He had his chance to leave and reject me but he stayed. I was a worthless human that didn't have much friends.

In general I shouldn't even be his. I was ugly and weak. "Stop."

Looking at him I could see him clenching his teeth. "Stop what?" I asked a little confused. "I can feel your sadness and hear your thoughts. It's not true about what your sating to yourself. Your very beautiful, smart, and funny. I could go on but I don't want to keep talking. I just want enjoy this moment with you."

Smiling uncontrollably I did something without thinking. I kissed him. He was shocked but he quickly kissed me back. I melted into him and I felt him move to set the plate down.

He wrapped his arms around my waist laying me down. He got on top and I set my hands on his back but I felt something weird. Giving him a questioning look he quickly stood.

Sitting up I looked at him, "what's on your back?" He frowned and he actually looked sad. I walked up to him and hugged him. "Please don't get sad."

He pulled me away "it's okay it's just what I will show you. People are after me because of what I am. My blood and powers are worth millions. The reason I left Ohio and came to Corsicana is because a pack caught me walking. Here it seems safe and I'm glad I came. I found the important thing in my life."

Smiling he hugged me and kissed my forehead. I watched him take a deep breath and slowly removed his ankle length leather jacket.

Gasping at what I saw. He spread out his beautiful wings. They were black with a mixture of red. They went inch above his head. They reached down to his ankles.

"You're....your an angel? A fallen angel." He smiled and nodded his head. "Yes and now that you know you must choose. Are you willing to stay with me even though people are after me and put your life in danger? Or do you want me to leave for good?"

Biting my lip I stared into his eyes. I wanted to stay with him but I was weak. I couldn't defend myself. Im basically an easy target.

"I want to stay with you even though I'll be a target if you help me learn how to fight." He grinned and nodded his head, "agreed."

Ellos! :) I'm sorry that I'm updating on a regular basis. I'll cut back to just upload once a week if that's better than everyday. Thank you for reading!! :)

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