chapter 10 Rembering

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I was running as fast as my little legs could go. Pushing the low branches out of my way so I could move. Screaming slightly when my hair was caught in a twig, I tugged on it.

No matter how hard it wouldn't come loose. My clothes were torn. My arms and cheeks had little cuts from the branches. "Ruby!" I heard him yell. Eyes widening I broke the stupid twig and kept running.

My second mate was getting closer and closer by the minute. I was terrified. I didn't want to relive a painful rejection. I still loved Donovan. How can I love another man?

Looking over my shoulder my legs became weak. I wasn't much of a runner. Not daring myself to slow down I forced myself to push faster. Up ahead looked like it would dip down into some sort of ditch.

Not sure if I should stop I kept running off of fear. At the edge I found it hard to run as my legs twisted under me. Closing my eyes I rolled and bounce down into a thrown bush.

I screamed in pain and laid still. My back felt like little needles stabbing into my back. Soon he was standing over me with dirty muffled hair. He fell as well but he wasn't hurt.

He carefully sat me up and I stripped off my shirt, bringing the thorns with it. Feeling better I backed away from his reaching arms. "Why are you running from me?"

"I don't want to be rejected again even though he didn't say it. But I can't have another mate."

He went to hug me but all he got was a face full of dirt. A brown wolf stood on his back growling down at him. Backing away slowly I bumped into something.

Trying to see who or what was behind me I felt something get jabbed in my arm. Jumping I spotted a needle. Thrashing around in the mans grip he let me go.

Falling on the ground I turned around just to see a man towering over me. "Aren't you just a pretty one."

Behind me a loud growl was heard bringing the mans attention his way. "You crossed into my territory, you will submit." I was hauled up and pinned to a tree while a man tied my hands together.

"She's my mate. I was trying to get her back." The man bent down next to him then glanced at me. "Why was she running away from you in the first place?"

He didn't answer and the man grabbed a fist full of hair. Before he could harm him I blurted out why I was. "Ruby no!"

The man looked at me amused. "Your the girl who is Donovans mate." He stood and walked up to me. "You have three mates. You have power that you don't even know about till you mate with your true mate."

He played with my hair as he walked around in circles. "I would love to see your wolf." He whispered to me.

Spitting in his face in disgust he gave me a grim look. "Take her away." Breath coming in fast I kicked at the man from behind me. He let me go and I raised my arms over my head and in front of me hearing my shoulders pop.

Being double jointed has its advantages.

Knocking the first man to his feet was a surprise to me. I never learned these type of moves and yet I was bringing men half my size down. Must be from my adrenaline rush.

"I command you to stop!" Turning I found my second mate in the mans arms. "You will come back with me willingly or he'll be tortured in my basement with you watching."

Lowering my head in a sign of defeat I could hear a muffled yell. Looking I spotted a cloth being put over his mouth. They were putting him to sleep.

Falling to my knees in pain from getting hit in the head. My mouth was slightly open as I gasped out my second mates name.


Pacing back and forth in my room from thinking all day. My mate is a werewolf all because of me. She's the creature I hate the most.

I only hate werewolves is because their kind is ruthless and don't care if they kill someone who is innocent.

Blowing my bubble gum in my room as I typed in my thought bubble. My parents were taking a walk in the woods so they can get some alone time. They've been arguing lately and it was starting to get to me.

I hated the fights and arguments. Leaning back in my chair just for a split second until the door is slammed open. Jumping up I hurried towards the door to see a woman in black with her long burnett hair blowing in the wind. She wore a hood with a mask covering her face except for her black eyes.

On her back was a sword in its seath. She pulled her mask off and looked at me with a serious look. "Come with me." She said as she turned and ran out the door.

Hesitating on what to do I quickly followed after her. She was really fast and I could barely catch up with her. I don't know who this girl is and yet I'm following her.

Not paying attention I bumped into her and we both fall to the ground. "I'm sorry." I whispered and helped her up. Looking behind her was the worst mistake I could make.

Pushing her aside I saw my parents covered in blood. Their bodies were tangled as they lay with their mouths open from screaming.

My heart was beating rapidly as I felt a shortness of breaths. "Who....who done this?" I asked breathless.

"There mythical creatures called werewolves. Their cruel and violent beasts that care about no one."

Tears stained my cheeks as I fell to knees. This couldn't be real. I thought over and over again in my head.

Strangely I felt my heart stop. Clutching my chest I fell to the floor in agonizing pain. I tried to breathe but it was too hard.

The girl sat beside me and kept me still. "Ssh. Your going to be okay. Soon you will die but come back as something else."

Not processing what she was saying I felt my body grow still. I stared at the sky and I saw a man walk up to me. He had solid black wings and grinned at me.

He bent down on his knees and looked me over. "Do you wish to seek revenge?" He asked and I felt good. I didn't need to breathe and for once I felt healthy.

"Yes." He stood, "then my child you'll become a fallen angel with one gift. You must kill the three men who did this within ten years."

He snapped his fingers and soon I felt pain on my back as I grew my wings. My hate has grown towards the werewolves and no body else. Soon I will learn how to fight them. How to beat them as I get my revenge on the three men even if it meant killing the whole race.

Clearing the memory from my thoughts. I had one more man to kill and then I will finally have my revenge.

My hands flew to my head as I felt a major headache. The thing was it left as fast as it came meaning it wasn't me. My mate was hurting and I didn't think twice about jumping out my window to find my girl and bring her home.

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