/~13~/- Son of A Gun(not literally)

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Annabeth POV

Of course she just had to hug him. What was she thinking! Gods she was stupid. She couldn't get close to Pablo. Broken hearts where not needed. But he seemed so nice, not so jockish and jerky like all of the other boys that had taken interest in her. 

But something was off with him. He seemed uncomfortable in his own skin and was looking around constantly like someone was following him. But he was just a normal person, with a somewhat normal life. 

"So how was your date with Pablo?" Hazel raised her eyebrows and asked, scooting close to Annabeth on the purple couch. She rolled her eyes. 

"Not a date Levesque." She grumbled and turned back to her own book. 

"Really because I saw you two hug from the peephole." Piper called from their room. Too be honest Annabeth was more creeped put that she had been able to hear them walking up the stairs. 

"ooh!" Hazel bumped her shoulder. Annabeth sighed. She knew these girls had good intentions and good hearts, but they could be a flipping pain to live with. 

"Okay, one. I do NOT like Pablo. He seems off to me. Two? I'm here for college not boyfriends." Annabeth put her feet on the floor and stood up, her book hanging loosely in her left hand. 

She walked cooly out of the room and sat on her bed, Piper was texting Jason. They had become friends over the past few weeks. But just like Piper didn't believe anything about her and Pablo she didn't believe a thing about her and Jason not liking each other. Jason was simply a good guy to be around. He would always lift you up even if you where in the darkest of days. But of course he was related to Thalia...and Annabeth was still hoping that maybe she would visit him in college, she was sorry...but Thalia wasn't the forgiving type. 

Heck Annabeth was still trying to figure her out and they where separated by at least a thousand miles...at the most. 

Piper chuckled, Jason must have texted her something funny or Leo was trying to blow the apartment up with Festus again. 

Festus was a dragon head that Leo created from scrap metal over the summer. Well Charles Beckendorf really made the real head but it was blown to bits in the explosion. Poor Silena.....

Annabeth shook her head out of the depressing thoughts and went back to reading her book. 

20,000 Leagues Under The Sea never got old. It was her favorite old thriller, Captain Nemo and his adventures. The gigantic squid...she loved it. 

"Ahh Jason." Piper sighed and put her phone down, her eyes holding a dreamy expression. Annabeth knew that look, where your eyes are looking but in reality are thinking deeply about someone you care of. Annabeth knew that look too well. 

"So whens your first date." Annabeth said as she flipped through the pages soaking in every word. Piper rolled her eyes playfully. 

"No silly. I don't like him like that." Piper flopped back down on her bed and stared at the brown stained ceiling from the floor above them. 

"Sure and I'm not a nerd." said Annabeth not looking up from the book. She was just getting to the good part. Where the characters reach the climax of the story, the breaking point of thoughts, feeling, bones and blood. 

Piper was fidgeting with the hem of a pillow case. "Its hard sometimes to get his attention. Especially when Reyna is taking interest." Piper said a little sadly. Of course, Annabeth had always heard Piper complain about other girls all over Jason since he was pretty hot and cute in their eyes, but never someone specific. And Reyna was a nice girl..from what Hazel had told her. Annabeth had never met her, the dark haired girl with the quizzical brown eyes and hard set mouth. Th girl who always sat alone, her posture always straight, like she was Roman or something. 

"Well then take him, before she does." Annabeth responded and looked up at Piper who was takin the thought into mind. 

"I-I guess that could work.." Piper muttered. Annabeth shrugged and went back to reading, her problems where different...she didn't fuss over cute guys or crush on them. Her problems where different in her own way. She had to survive college first before she got even some sort of boyfriend. And the last time she had a boyfriend, it was quite tragic in the ending, with her father. 

And then of course with Silena and Beckendorfs issue, it was hard to not see the horrid outcomes of relationships that went to far. But of course some others where just fine like Travis and Miranda(DONT BE MAD. I SHIPS TRAITE TOO. BEAR WITH ME!). But again after the outcome of Silenas last relationship Annabeth had practically quit dating guys. Not only were they disgusting sexist pigs but also they demanded everything. Everything. 

A knock on the door sounded through their tiny apartment. 

"I got it!" Hazel called from the living room and paused her National Geographic show on horses. The door creaked open and Annabeth just ignored the hushed voices that where talking in the doorway. 

"Annie! Its for you!" shouted Hazel. 

"Dont call me Annie!" Annabeth said annyoyed. And who would come to their apartment in the middle of the day? And why for Annabeth. 

She put her book down and walked to the front door, stretching and yawning. Hazel smiled and gave her a tiny wink. What in the heck did that mean???

Annabeth looked to the looming shadowy figure in the doorway. Her jaw dropped. It was a tall guy, early twenties, the scar that ran down his face from the rabid bird attack in the zoo. The close cropped styled blonde hair and the watery blue eyes. 

No. He couldnt be here. He was still supposed to be in Cali, attending school with his girlfriend Kelli. He was not supposed to be here. Not. 






Word  Count 1016

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