Percy POV
I can't believe the luck I've had the last couple of weeks.
I'm the luckiest guy on Earth. I have an amazing life, an amazing girl at my side and my friends who will stand with me.
I'm sure I've found the one I want in my life. On New Years Eve I really did pour out all the feelings pent up inside me. I loved her. Its so weird saying that now because I really do have feelings for her.
I've dated several girls over the course of a few years. Nothing too serious but this is different. Its lasting. And I want to keep it going and going.
Its an early morning in January, we stayed up late studying for a test. A big test and my GPA is starting to dip. Annabeth stayed up with me helping me study and try, try to get the GPA up.
"Percy." She groaned and slapped my face lightly. My eyes fluttered open, and a smile broke onto my tired face. It wasn't quite light out yet but I could see her faint outline in the dark. She was wearing a sports bra and a pair of sweatpants but I couldn't see any thing less amazing. Almost everynight she stays over, Piper and Hazel giggle so much and of course Hazel starts fanning herself and Piper fangirls crazily.
"You two are so CUTE. Percabeth for life." Piper always says.
Of course the press is getting a kick out of Annabeth. Every time they mention her another anonymous celeb(I can tell its a celeb) tells something horrible about her and says I would do better with someone else.
I can't believe them.
"Percy." Annabeth groans again and plops down next to me. I wrap an arm around her waist and pull her closer to my chest. Her warmth comes through her shirt and her body presses against my side.
"I have to go Percy, its work." She said biting her lip and looking at me. I sighed and just he'd her tighter.
"Stay five more minutes?" I said widening my green eyes. I know she can't resist my baby seal eyes. She looks into them for a minute, one second she is determined to go to work and the thunderstorm grey stay strong. If only for a second.
Then they soften and her shoulders droop. "Fine, five more minutes but if I'm late I"M blaming you." She says pointedly. Annabeth snuggles up against my side, her head in the crook of my neck, kissing it softly.
As the time ticks by I wouldn't be anywhere else.
"Okay Seaweed Brain, I have to go." She says and kisses my check, grabbing her shoes and clothes from the floor and leaves the room. I sigh and roll over on my bed.
"Wise Girl!" I say loudly hoping she might come back to see whats wrong. But she's already left I know if she comes back into my room she might not come out. I lay on the bed, my eyes adjusting to the dark every time I close them. At one point I try and make the decision to go and finish my song from last night. This weekend I have a concert in the city and its all for my new album.
Jason and Leo and Frank are helping out with the whole process.
The phone on my bedside table starts to ring. I roll across the bed and pick it up, swiping the answer button before looking at who's calling.
"Percy! Get up! Concert is tonight!" Grover speaks quickly through the phone and loud too. I blink several times and the realization dawns over me.
Six hours later.
"Jason! Come on lazy! I know you love piper and all but get your ass here." I roar through the speaker. Jason sighs.

My One &Only (Percabeth AU) √
FanfictionFor the past year, Perseus Jackson has been a worldwide phenomenon, a singer who has taken the world by storm. And has a crush on humble, aspiring, judo flipping architect Annabeth Chase. Sadly she doesn't have the time to date singers with million...