Percy POV
Three weeks. Three weeks is how long it took the press and the media to figure out my relationship with Ms.Chase. That was a nice long time. I was beginning to take my luck for granted
Hell no.
Piper was the first to figure it out. When I left that evening and got to my apartment I could hear hear screech of delight from across the hall. She was a little exited. Of course then she told, Hazel, Hazel told Frank and so on. By the time I had woken up I had over fifty texts from various people. All congratulating me.
It was super awkward then. I wasn't sure what to do. Do I greet her with a kiss? Do we go on a date and go from there? I was pretty lost. The last time I had a girlfriend that was actually nice and not a devil bull was when I was a junior. I was pretty lost to the concept of dating.
When I got to school, she was already there, in tight jeans, a white flowy blouse and...combat boots? I don't know where this came from but I'm already liking this. My disguise is hastily put on, but if you know my facial structure then you know me.
"Hey." She said and blushed furiously.
"Umm...hey?" I could barley speak without stuttering. Jason chuckled whilst Piper smacked his arm. I'm pretty sure Jason enjoyed that though.
We went on with the day like it was any other. Other than the fact that I was sitting next to her every class i had with her and lunch.
Our first date was a little more awkward.
I brought us to this okay kind of restaurant in down town New York. Down town really isn't downtown. Not like downtown Fort Collins(A/N it's beautiful. Walt Disney got his ideas for Disney World from FC.) or any small downtown area.
The restaurant was a old Greek style kind of restaurant, lamb kabobs and fried oily fish. I knew the owner pretty well, her name was Katie Gardener and her sister Miranda, Katie has recently broke up with one of my buddies Conner and Miranda is now dating Conner. They all go to a smaller private college. I speak to the Stolls daily.
"This place looks great." Annabeth said in awe as she looked around the front entrance which had old marble facades. I chuckled.
"I know the owners, her mom is a friend of my dads." I say, trying to not think of my father. Annabeth nods and before I can stop her she pushes the doors open and comes into the homey restaurant.
Miranda is at the desk, and the place is pretty quiet on a Monday night. I booked the roof so now one would find us. I paired Katie well. She deserved it gets poor thing.
"Hey Perce!" Miranda says exitedly bouncing on the balls of her feet. I return the smile.
"Sup Gardner. You know my reservation." I say and Miranda bounces a little higher. Miranda nods and takes two menus, leading us up to the top of the three story restaurant. It's beautiful here, not many like the idea of Greek food but they also serve Itlian food which most come for.
"So I take it this is the Annabeth." Miranda winks at Annabeth and she blushes.
"The one and only."
Miranda laughs, "Percy always talks of you. We don't hang as much. But wait until you hear the good news." She gives another wink before seating us on the roof.
"Good news?" I question my face pretty confused. Conner or Travis would say something bout good news. They spill so much. They are always helping at the restaurant despite Demeters views.
Before Miranda responds Katie comes up to the table, wearing a clean white apron and a curled chefs hat. Her dark hair and bright eyes are hard not to be friends with. Katie is so amazing, so nice. I met her, and her sister in high school, they went to Badde HS but we where still great friends.

My One &Only (Percabeth AU) √
FanfictionFor the past year, Perseus Jackson has been a worldwide phenomenon, a singer who has taken the world by storm. And has a crush on humble, aspiring, judo flipping architect Annabeth Chase. Sadly she doesn't have the time to date singers with million...