/~7~/- Ohhhhhhhhhh Nooooo

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Annabeth POV

Oh Shizzzzz, Leo has an idea. This could ONLY end well. They together with Frank and Jason went to elementary school together and Leo had always been.....getting them in trouble. All the time mind you, water balloon pranks, flour over the doors and.....stink bombs of course. Courtney Leo Spark Valdez. 

After school everyone met up at Leo and Jason's apartment on the bottom floor of the same building. Janus Doors. It was a two bedroom two bath and not very clean......and it stinked of boy. Frank had recently moved in with them and it had only cleaned a little. 

"Leo, I want to keep my hair this time." Piper groaned, last year her hair had been partially signed off making it choppy and uneven because of.....a Leo. He just smirked and rubbed his hands together again. 

"Ohhhhh no. I'm going all out this year." He said and held up a empty bottle of Purel Hand Santitizer and then a bottle of clear glue. Oh no. 

"This is our first of many tasks. You will hand these out. Not many know it's National Prank day." He pointed to Frank and Hazel, putting them together accidentally. Everyone knew they had a crush on each other. 

Frank looked like he was about to pass out when he saw he was getting paired with Hazel. Hazel looked the same but more of when she is on a boat or something. I feel for her. 

"First of m-many?" Jason paled. Leo doubled over laughing. 

"First of hundreds. Well.....many are simple. And some are complicated and will take a lot of work." Leo clapped his hands together. Jason eyes widened at hundreds. Leo was going all out this year. 

"Jason and Piper your next task is harder. You will going into classes tomorrow and sticking stickers on the teachers mouses so they won't work. And something else." Leo handed them about fifty stickers for all of their classes. Piper smirked evilily. Jason nodded and then he smirked to as he was paired with Pipes. Then Leo each handed them a separate piece of paper and told them to read it later. 

That meant only her and Pablo where left..........

"Ah my two favorite subjects." Leo said and pretended to be us. It was quite.....stupid. 

"Your job is simple. I have installed a gum ball machine in the school. But I need 'gum balls' . Just go to the store and buy like a million bouncy balls and I'll fill them into the container. And the after that I have another one to do in class and is very simple yet effective." Leo explained and handed them a piece of paper. Crap. This was a simple effective plan that would surely land her in detention for a week. But what did she have to loose. And these where her only friends other than Thalia.....

"That simple?" Pablo  asked like he thought the idea was stupid. Well it wasn't the brightest. Leo raised an eyebrow "You question me young cockroach?" He said and began to pull something out of his pocket. Pablo's eyes widened and gasped, covering his mouth with his hand. 

Leo nodded and pulled the Ziplock bag all the way out containing......blue cake? Percy had a look of shock in his eyes. I mean the cake was all blue, the frosting the cake itself and even the chocolate chips where a bright blue. 

"Pablo what is this?" Annabeth asked him. His eyes where full of anger. 

"My blue food. Leo took it." He said clenching his fists and not taking his eyes off the blue food. He must be obsessed or something like that. 

"You get it back once you complete the task." Leo swung the blue cake in the bag in the air and shoved it back into his pocket. 

"Let's go Pablo." I tugged his arm and we left for the supermarket. He was still grumbling about his blue food. 

And the next day.....that is a tale for next chapter.

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