Percy POV
"Dude lets go rock climbing." Jason suggested.
"No, I might fall off and crack my skull." Leo complained. He rubbed his curls like they might be hurt along with.
"Clubs?" Leo said, a impish smirk on his face. I shook my head. I didn't want to get drunk or anything. I'm not even of age yet.
"Oh how about bowling!" Frank said from out of now where. I thought about it. Hmmm. Couple of hours, laying low. Perfect.
"Let's do it. How about Candy Lanes?" I said. Everyone nodded expect Leo.
"Not Candy, the weird cash register lady has a crush on me. It's cause I'm too hot."
I rolled my eyes. "Sugar Bowling?" I said getting a little annoyed. Jason winced like he had touched something uncomfortably warm.
"I kind of have a ban from there for tossing a ball at someone's balls."
"Seriously?" Frank said incredulously and Jason nodded seriously.
"Fine, Sweetheart Lanes and if you have a ban or a weird eighty year old woman has a crush on you that's a personal problem." I say a bit irked and yank open the door of the BMW as the guys pile in.
Last week we started a new thing called Guys Night. We pick a random night once a week and take turns picking where to go. The first week was Jason's turn and we went put put golfing for fun. That is until Leo brought 'punch' and we got drunk and the staff kicked us out. Maybe diving into the little pond and peeing in it isn't very family friendly.
" are you and Piper?" I ask slyly from the front seat. Jason goes pink while Frank and Leo try to hold back their laughter.
"She's great. We where supposed to go on a date but I keep gettin nervous and can't ask her out." Jason mumbles with relished sadness.
"Dudes, this is guys night, no girl talk." Frank interjected and we all had the silent agreement to do so. We arrived at SweetHeart Lanes, a small bowling alley in Lime Light. There's about fifteen or sixteen lanes, and the place is a little musty and smells faintly of stale beer and chips but once you breathe it in a couple dozen times it doesn't smell all that pungent.
"Man I miss this place." I breathed in the beer smell and went to pay for a lane. We divided into two teams, me and Leo and Jason and Frank. The funny ones and the smart ones.
"You are so going down Thunder Crotch." Leo challenged but it wasn't very imitating at Jason was a foot and half taller and Leo was pretty short.
"Try me Repair Boy." Jason replied. I looked back and forth between them, as good of friends they are, they are also super competitive in almost everything. Milkshake slurping, home work finishing and sleeping in the longest. I'm still in awe of Jason eating four slices of jumbo cake in under a minute. Even Frank, our giant eating machine was shell shocked.
"Dudes, let's just play." I set my hand in the air to calm the competitive tension in the air.
"Fine but before we start.." Leo interjected and grabbed two identical black ten pound bowling balls from the rack. I smiled inwardly. I think everyone knew what he was going to do.
"Hey guys look. I have ten pound balls." Leo burst out laughing, almost dropping the bowling balls on his feat. I laughed, sweeping the dark hair out of my face. In this mid
November chill it was great to feel warm and fluffy inside. The joke itself never got old."Who's up first?" I said typing in the names to the machine. Frank rose his hand. Okay.
I typed in Beast ManFrank grinned, his military buzz cut was growing out a little on the sides. His grandmother(whom I've met, wonderfully intimidating woman) would have smacked him and cursed in rapid fire Mandarin. I've picked up a few colorful words. And of course then got my mouth washed with soap from my mother when I use the, incorrectly or slip.Jason went next, I typed in Thunder Crotch. He frowned and looked at me like I was on something. His furrowed brow and hard set mouth line he has reminds me of Uncle Zeus and of course my most favored cousin, Thalia. I haven't seen her in years, she out of the blue one day sent me a letter, saying she was joining an elite force of girls owned and led by her half sister Artemis. They hunted around the globe, saving wildlife and endangered species. She swore off men. It's been two years since that letter. I don't know where she is now.
I typed Leo's in Repair Boy. Leo just grinned and gave me a thumbs up. When I first met him, we where in elementary school and he was the class clown. On his first day of school in fourth grade, near December he walked into his new room, I remember the elfish face and scrawny shape. The moment the teacher saw him she pointed him in the direction of the principles office. I started laughing for some reason and the teacher sent me there too. And from there me and Valdez became best buds for a couple of good years.
For me it was Kelp Head. I kept it simple. But most would agree I'm a total Kelp Head.
Frank rolled the ball, it wobbled and almost fell into the big smelly gutters. He in the end got an eight. When Jason went, he stumbled or Leo tripped him....there's no way to prove that.....
"You tripped me." Jason complained shooting daggers at Leo who shrugged helplessly.
"tell that to the judge." Leo grunted and began to drag the little kid slide out of a closet so he could roll the ball down onto the lane."Leo, of you can carry the plastic slide you can roll a metal five pound ball." I grumbled. All Leo did was look like a child and continued to roll the ball down the lane, which it make strike.
"Does that even count?" Frank frowned looking at the strike Leo jumped ahead of us in. I shake my head trying to hold back a snort of laughter.
"Its Valdez, did you think he wouldn't bring something else into this?" Jason mutters from beside the return machine as Leo swaggers his way down.
We play for a long time, order smoothies from Sonic and ignore calls from my manager and try not to think about the upcoming 30th a annual Olympic Gala.Remember what I said about the press finding three weeks after me and Annabeth got togther?
I didn't know that would be in less than 12 hours.

My One &Only (Percabeth AU) √
FanficFor the past year, Perseus Jackson has been a worldwide phenomenon, a singer who has taken the world by storm. And has a crush on humble, aspiring, judo flipping architect Annabeth Chase. Sadly she doesn't have the time to date singers with million...